Episode Five, Part 3:

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Episode Five, Part 3:
Knocking on Heaven's Door

On their walk back to Basilisk, Sol had asked Wynnlow to lead in a hope that it would help him familiarise himself with the trail, but he was too lost in himself to do anything but walk behind her, his head down as his gaze was oblivious to the world.

Sol offered to take him to see Aeryn when they arrived back at base, though Wynnlow muttered something incoherent and disappeared, leaving Sol alone with her guilt.

"Riverly, come in." A voice sounded from nearby.

Groaning in frustration, Sol pulled out her radio, impatient to see what she was needed for.

"What is it, Kodiak?"

The boy on the other end was slightly nervous, a result of Sol's fiery attitude ringing through. "Uh, Eryx is in the Quarters. He's waiting to see you."

Sol rolled her eyes, then realised he couldn't see. "I've got other things to deal with. Tell him it'll have to wait."

Kodiak gulped, his voice now a little more desperate. "Please, Riv."

After a couple seconds passed by, she radioed back, reluctant to give in to her father's orders. "Fine. I'm on my way."

Kodiak was waiting by the entrance to the Sovereign's Quarters, anxiously on lookout for any sign of Sol. Facing the wrath of Eryx was something beyond terrifying, even to the Sovereigns. Kodiak did not want to get himself in the middle of his rage.

Finally, Sol appeared in sight and it was like a breath of relief to her friend. "Sheesh, take your time, Riverly. Not like anything's at stake here."

Kodiak shoved something into Sol's grip, something she didn't pay any attention to as she slung the strap of it over her shoulder. She continued to roll her eyes at her friend, storming through the Quarters until she found her father in the Nobel's section.


"Do you think I've had the time to do this, Sol?" His words are dominating over her attempts, settling her into her place before she is even fully in the room. "In the position that Basilisk is in, the plans we have in place - and you're out here, a young Sovereign, rebelling against your own father?"

"Rebelling? Wait, what-"

Eryx pulled the bag from Sol's shoulder, the one Kodiak had given her on her way in. He ripped it open revealing a stash of supplies; food, bottles of water, medicine, torches, weapons, even a radio. Sol stared back in nervousness, confused at what her father was accusing her of exactly.

"This is going to take us down."

"I don't... I don't understand."

Eryx hands rolled into fists, his grip on the bag tightening. "These supplies were stolen. Kodiak found them in the tent of one of the Bunker Clan's."

"Kodiak was going through their tents? Screw that, how do you expect me to get their trust if we're going around invading their privacy like that?"

"Calm, Sovereign. I told him to check. But we already invaded their home, a little invasion of privacy is going to hurt them much more." Something grew inside of Sol. It was like she almost felt the need to defend Wynnlow and his family.

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