Episode Three, Part 6:

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Episode Three, Part 6:
S o l

Wynn followed the man inside, Aeryn tagging after them. He was met with a dim room, symbols across the walls that held no meaning to him, a fire burning in the centre.

The man took in Wynnlow's impressions, studying his observations.

"What is-"

"The Imitation?" He interrupted, then speaking to himself. "I'm guessing she hasn't told you much..."

Wynnlow looked around, not knowing what to say. "Who are you?" He asked. The moment the words left his mouth, he mentally scolded himself; he didn't seem like the type of guy you would want to get on the wrong side of, and he was worried that his questions would be intrusive or even challenging to his power.

Instead, he chuckled, extending out his hand. "Riverly." He announced. "Eryx Riverly. And you are?"

Wynnlow took his hand, a sense of unease as he stood before him. "Wynnlow Bell, sir."

He laughed again, the sound twisting knots inside Wynn's stomach. "Call me Sovereign."

Wynnlow scrunched his face up, feeling like he was back where he started. "I thought Sol was Sovereign?"

A moment of recognition on Eryx's face. "You have a lot to learn, kid." It was the same words Sol had said to him when they first met, the day she had brought him out of the Bunker. It felt, in some ways, like nothing had changed since that day; he was still just as terrified and confused as he had been when the light first poured in, but everything had changed.

"But she let you call her Sol?" He inquired. "I'm surprised. You must have done something right."

"Something or the other." Wynnlow replied, his thumb absentmindedly rubbing over the tattoo on his wrist.

"Anyway," Eryx drifted, "back to the Sovereigns. How much do you know?"

"I think it's safe to assume not much."

Eryx nodded, suddenly in contemplation. He gestured for Wynn to follow him, directing him over to stand before the fire. The heat of the flames reached his face, his eyes struggling to adjust to the smoke, drying them up completely.

"The Sovereigns are our leaders." He began. "We have two Lower Sovereigns, and the Nobel Sovereign. For now, I am the Nobel."


"Who works for the best interest of humanity. The superior of the Sovereigns, if I do say so myself."There was that feeling again. Eryx had a strong taste for power, there was no doubt about that. But there was something Wynnlow couldn't quite pinpoint... Something that felt all kinds of wrong about him. Like he couldn't be trusted. Like he felt threatened by the arrival of Wynnlow.

"This Imitation is a...rehearsal, you could say, for the Judgement. That's when Basilisk decides who the new Nobel is going to be, and who the two Lower Sovereigns are. It's to prepare them for their leadership. Once they overthrow us, they'll be the decisions makers around here. Of course, I'm hoping for Sol to be decided as the Nobel, but she has competition." He informed Wynnlow.

"You see her?" Eryx asked. He nodded in the direction of a girl, perhaps a little older than Sol. "That's Dreea Taven." She had long dreads, cascading down the golden skin of her shoulders, and a hard stare that looked as though it was permanently etched into her features. "She's Sol's biggest competition for Nobel. The only Basilisk not in debt to anyone."

His statement surprised Wynn. It seemed their debts were a lot more honoured to Basilisk than he had realized. Although for her to not be in debt to anyone said a lot about her character; she could survive on her own. She was fierce, strong. Dangerous.

Wynn looked around at the other people in the Quarters, the ones who were noticeably standing out by their extensive armor. A young boy stood in the corner of the room, surrounded by several people. It seemed as though he was being lectured, perhaps prepared for the Imitation. He noticed Aeryn was one of the people there, seemingly treating to some wounds the young boy had received. He couldn't have been much older than Wynnlow was, but he remained unfazed as Aeryn dabbed an unknown substance to his large open cuts.

"That's Koda over there. Kodiak." Eryx corrected himself. "Another one of the young Sovereigns, but I'm confident Sol at least has him beat. A strong mind, but not so skilled when it comes to fighting."

As Wynn was brought up to speed with everything, he turned to Eryx, suddenly intrigued in his reasoning behind everything. "Why are you telling me all of this?"

He could see that Eryx had been expecting such a question, but his answer was still delayed. "Because my daughter took you out of your home."

A twinge in his chest. It was certainly not what Wynnlow thought he would hear.

"We- She has a plan for our people, and I know she wants what's best. That's why I want her the Nobel. Like it or not, you're a part of that plan succeeding. I see it's only fair that you have a reason to trust her, if she's going to need you."

He didn't like the sound of it. Wynnlow knew he was still in the dark about so many things, and now he was finding out that Basilisk were using them as some sort of pawn in their game. They were being told just enough so that they would trust Basilisk, but Wynnlow saw through it. He would not give in.

"Do I get to know what that plan is?" There was a moment of conflict between the two. Eryx looking over at Wynn, agitated at his attempt to challenge his words. It seemed he was annoyed that his mission to persuade Wynnlow had failed, as if would jeopardize a larger part of Sol's plan.

"Dad? Wynnlow? What are you doing here?"

t h r e e // p a r t s i x

Do any of you guys watched The 100? Because that finale, guys, oh my, I'm shaking.

Bellarke??? Bellamy's smile when he asked Clarke to the bridge!!! Octavia kneeling to Madi!!! JOrdan!!!!!! Marper! </3

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