13 Years Later Pt. 2

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"How was school, guys?" Frank asked as their kids buckled their seatbelt and said, "yes" in unison. "Awesome" Frank continued, smiling as he started to drive to Mikey's house. 

"Where are we going, Papa?" Bandit asked, realizing that they were going a different root from what they usually go to. "We're going to Uncle Mikey's house" Gerard said, looking out of the window. With that answer, Bandit and Miles both cheered in excitement. "Wait, why, daddy?" Bandit asked yet again. 

"You know when we to went to his house a week ago? You left your jacket there, princess" Gerard said.

After a few minutes on the road, they arrived. Miles and Bandit immediately ran up to the front door and started knocking. Gerard and Frank eventually caught up with them and Mikey opened up the door. 

"Hi guys" Mikey smiled, seeing his niece and nephew hug his legs. 

"Hey Gee," Mikey started, "Frank.." Mikey grinned. 

"Haven't seen you in a while, Mikes" Frank arranged his hair. 

"Yeah, that's what I was gonna say... Anyway, come inside" Mikey said, letting the married couple walk in. They sat on the couch with Mikey along with the two five year olds. "Where's Kristen?" Gerard asked, referring to Mikey's wife. 

"She went out with some friends. She'll be back in like an hour maybe" Mikey said, feeling the kids tugging at him. 

"How are you little guys doing?" 

"Super duper awesome!" Miles shouted, jumping onto Mikey, making Gerard and Frank smile. 

"Good, Uncle Mike" Bandit spoke.

"You guys did a really great job on them" Mikey said, looking up at Gerard and Frank.

"Yeah, thanks" Frank grinned, suddenly feeling a buzz in his pocket. He reached his hand in and grabbed his phone, seeing the caller ID which was unknown. "Uh, give me a second" Frank said, moving to another room. 

"Hello.... Oh god, it's seriously you!.... Y-Yeah, totally.... Now?.... I have so many things to tell you... Sure, see you" He ended the call. He went back to the room. "Was everything okay, Frank?" Gerard asked, seeming concerned. 

"Umm... y-yeah. My mum called me... she came back over here from California. She's coming over" Frank excitedly said as Gerard stood up walking over to him. "Holy crap, really!?" Gerard said, hugging Frank tightly. "That's great!" Gerard continued. 

"Mikey, it was awesome seeing you but we have to go" Frank said, grabbing the Bandits jacket which she left over here. "It's totally fine. Good luck with your mum" Mikey smiled. 



"Any time now..." Frank said, looking at the time on his phone. "Jesus Christ, Frank. Calm down. You've been saying that for the past hour" Gerard rubbed his eyes. Bandit and Miles were playing some games together whilst Gerard and Frank were waiting downstairs in the kitchen. "I'm sorry, Gee... I'm just nervous. I haven't seen that woman in almost twenty years or so" Frank panicked. 

"It's okay, I get it. Just take a deep breath. She's gonna be here for sure" Gerard smiled as he cupped Frank's cheeks and looked him in the eye. "I love you. Remember that, okay?" Gerard said as Frank gripped Gerard's hips and pulled him closer. "I'll remember it for sure.... I love you too, Red" Frank lastly said before connected his lips to Gerard's. 

As if it was planned, the doorbell rung. "Told you she would arrive" Gerard smirked making Frank chuckle. They let go of each other as Frank ran over to the door and took a deep breath before opening it to reveal a woman in around her sixties with jet black hair and green eyes with a wide smile plastered on her face. 

"Oh my god, Frankie!" She said, hugging the living hell out of Frank. "I haven't seen your beautiful face in so long!" She said, shutting her eyes. "I know, mum. I'm so happy you came" Frank said, making Gerard smile. 

"Let me have a look at you... You've grown up and changed so much.. Oh gosh, I love your tattoos! I never thought you would actually do them since you were afraid of needles when you were younger" She said almost about to burst into tears. "Yeah, I got used to it.. but I've got some people you might want to meet" Frank started as he walked over to Gerard, grabbing his hand and intertwining his fingers with his. 

"This is my husband, Gerard. We met in high school and look where we are now, you know" Frank giggled. "Hi Ms. Iero. Really nice to finally meet you" Gerard said, pulling out his free hand. She shook it and widely smiled. "Please, call me Linda. Wow, Frank. You got really lucky with this handsome gentleman" She said as they all chuckled. "I know right. Best thing that ever happened to me" Frank smiled, making Gerard blush. 

"Though we do have another surprise for you" Frank said, going up the stair with Gerard and his mother. "What is it, Frank?" She said, looking at her son. He walked to the end of the hall and knocked on the door, before twisting the handle and opening it. "Daddy!" Bandit shouted once she saw Gerard's face, running up to him and hugging his leg. "Oh my gosh! You're fathers?!" Franks mum covered her mouth, tearing up. 

"Yeah, meet your new grandchildren. This is Bandit and that is Miles" Frank pointed out, walking to Miles who was probably half asleep. "Kids, this is grandma Linda" Frank picked Miles up in his arms. "Grandma!" Bandit said, hugging her instead. 

"They look so much like you two.. h-how..?" She asked almost bursting out in tears. "We've gotten a few willing females to help us out" Gerard giggled as he rubbed the back of his neck. 

"That's just absolutely amazing... I'm so proud of you" 

The End

And that is the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed it :) Feel free to  check out my other stuff  

See ya 

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