I'll Think about It

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It was the next day and Gerard didn't want to move. He didn't want to get out of bed and go to school. He didn't want to pass Frank in the hallway. Not after what he had done to him. Not after how he had used him. He was broken. It was the first relationship he thought actually meant something. But it was false. 

"Hey, Gee?..." Mikey said, knocking on the door as he stepped in. "Go away..." Gerard mumbled through his bedsheets as he kept on staring out of the window. "Gee, you can't stay in here forever" Mikey said, pulling the sheets off of Gerard. 

"Come on.." Mikey said as Gerard pulled the sheets back on top of himself. 

"We have to go to school" 

"Not going..." Gerard said, closing his eyes, desperately wanting to forget everything that happened. 

"What the hell does that mean?.. You have to go" Mikey said, crossing his arms. 

"Tell mum I'm sick.... Mikey, please..." Gerard said, felling a tear forming in his eye. 

Mikey sighed, "Fine... just try to get over everything. You're gonna feel better once you do" 

Once he left, Gerard thought about what he said. Maybe he was right. But when the person you thought was loyal and loved you turned his back on you, it's a bit difficult to let that go. He didn't know what to feel at that point. 

The words "I was using him" circled his mind over and over again. He wanted to forget but he couldn't. His phone beeped again. He was receiving messages all night but he ignored them. He knew it was Frank making up some cheesy apology to have him back. He didn't buy it. 

Now his phone rang, sending vibrations through his nightstand. He turned round and grabbed his phone, sighing once his finger swiped left, denying the call. 

He opened his phone and looked through his messages. 

Gerard we need to talk

Please answer, Gee

Jesus Christ Gee please 

I'll explain everything, just respond 

I'm sorry 

It's not like what I said at all 

I promise 

Gerard sighed, suddenly getting another message from the black haired boy.

Answer the fucking call!!

I'm calling again whether you like it or not

And so he did. Gerard gave in. He just had to hear Frank's voice again if though he hated his guts. 

"Oh, thank god you picked up. Gerard I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. It's.. it's just-"

"-Just what?" Gerard softly mumbled. 

"I didn't exactly mean it. Yes I was gonna use you and I feel horrible for doing that. but the more I got to know you the more I like you and I think you are a great human being that deserves so much more that all this bad shit happening to you"

Gerard didn't speak. He just listened what Frank wanted to say and waited.

"Gerard, please talk to me.... I'm a piece of shit for doing that to you. I admit it"

"...I'll think about it" Gerard softly spoke before ending the call and placing his phone back on his nightstand. 

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