13 Years Later Pt.1

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//- 13 years  later -//

"Frank... Frankie, get up!" Gerard nudged his side. "Ugh, five more minutes" Frank groaned, turning over to the other side of their bed. "Fine then" Gerard said, pulling off the covers, making Frank whine. "No!" Frank said, trying to find something to retain some warmth but ended up cuddling up next to Gerard. 

"Come on, we've got to take Bandit and Miles to school" Gerard said, pushing back a stray piece of hair that fell in front of his face. "....okay..." Frank said, slowly opening his eyes to his husbands face looking down at him. "I'm gonna wake the kids up. Change and get ready, okay?" Gerard said as Frank Grabbed his shirt and pulled him down so he could kiss him. 

"Just give me ten minutes and I'll be done" Frank yawned as Gerard nodded. He stood up and exited the room, leaving Frank to dress up. He walked into the kid's room and saw the two of them still sound asleep. 

He walked over to Miles and whispered, "Miles... wake up..." Gerard nudged Miles and saw him slowly opening his eyes. He smiled, walking over to Bandit and doing the same to her. Once the two were up, he switched on the lights hearing them both whine. "Rise and shine, kiddos" Gerard said as Bandit got out of bed. 

"Bandit, dress up and Miles, get out of bed or we're gonna be late" Gerard crossed his arms. "Okay, okay...." Miles said, getting out of bed as he went to the bathroom. Bandit dressed up in her favourite pink dress with black shoes. Once Miles was done, he dressed up in jeans, a plain t-shirt and sneakers. 

"Go down for breakfast when you're done" Gerard walked out of the room, meeting up with Frank on the way. "I didn't realize you took out your lip piercing" Gerard said, seeing the silver ring missing.

"Yeah, it was getting annoying after a while" 

"Hmm... I liked it. It's fun to play with when we're making out" Gerard smirked as Frank snickered. They went to the kitchen, Gerard preparing cereal bowls on the table whilst Frank poured himself a cup of coffee. Suddenly, they heard footsteps go down the stairs, signalling that the two little monsters arrived. 

"Daddy, I'm hungry!" Bandit called out as she ran over to the kitchen table and immediately sat down. "I know, sweetheart" Gerard filled her bowl with cereal and added milk. He gave her a spoon and placed a kiss on top of her head. 

"Did you get your backpacks ready?" Frank asked, as he walked over to the table. "Yes, Papa" Miles said. "Bandit?" Frank continued as Gerard finished up Miles' bowl. "I couldn't find my pencil case" She said, continuing to eat. "I'll go look for it okay" Frank went back up the stairs to find the rest of the stuff. 


"Have fun, alright" Gerard waved goodbye to his kids, seeing them wave back to him with their preschool teacher beside them. Once the kids went in, Gerard went back to their car, sighing and already feeling tired.  

"I really hope Miles doesn't get hurt again" Frank said, waiting for Gerard to put his seat belt on. 

"What happened last time?" Gerard said, seeming oblivious. 

"Remember about five days ago, when he sharpened his own finger and his teacher had to call us" Frank said, starting the car again. 

"Oh yeah... he couldn't stop crying for a solid two hours" Gerard giggled. "I mean, it is Miles after all... no surprise" Frank chuckled as he started to drive. 

Once they got back home, they sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Suddenly, Gerard's phone rang. "Jesus Christ, what now...." He said, picking up his phone and answering it. "What do you want Mikey?"

"Hey, Gee. Remember when you, Bandit and Miles came over to my house like a week ago?"

"Yeah, why?" 

"Bandit left her jacket here. I was wondering when you want to pick them up" 

"Umm... I just sent the kids to preschool so I guess we'll pick them up then"

"Great. Also say hi to Frank for me. Haven't seen him in a while" 

"Sure. See ya" Gerard hung up. "Was that Mikey?" Frank asked as Gerard rested his head on Frank's shoulder. "Yeah, Bandit left her jacket there" Gerard said as Frank kissed the top of his husbands head whilst wrapping an arm around him. 

"We'll pick it up on the way, I guess" Frank said as Gerard agreed. 

"You know, it's kind of crazy to think that I fell for Mikey but ended up proposing to and marrying his brother" 

"Don't make it sound like a bad thing!" Gerard joked as Frank chuckled. 

"It's not, I swear. It was the best fucking decision I've ever made" Frank smiled, looking at Gerard as his spouse's lips attached to his. 

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