Who's Fault was it?

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It's been a week until Gerard finally decided to go to school. He woke up at around 6am. He couldn't sleep. He didn't want to see that bastard's face that day. He walked to his bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. Thankfully the love bites disappeared and he didn't look too bad. By saying that, I mean, he didn't look that bad that people would ask questions why he didn't leave his room not even once in a whole week. 

He washed his face and look back at his reflection. "Gerard.... don't burst out into tears when you see him... You're too good for him.... h-he doesn't deserve you" He said to himself, lastly nodding before going back to his room. 

He still hasn't talked to Frank after their chat on the phone. When he said that he'll think about it... he just lied. He just didn't want to have anymore problems with that piece of shit. A few hours went by and he heard a knock on the door, realizing that it was Mikey. "You're going to school today. I don't care if you changed your mind-"

"-Mikey... calm down. I'm going, okay?" Gerard stopped him as he stood up from his bed and went over to his closet, picking out a beanie, a shirt, black skinny jeans and converse. "Oh... okay, then. Don't take long to get ready" Mikey said, exiting as he closed the door behind him. 

His phone beeped again. He quickly turned to it and noticed Frank's name above the message. 

Please tell me you're coming to school

We need to talk

Outside after fifth period maybe? Sounds good? Look, just be there

I'll explain everything from top to bottom 

Gerard read, debating whether he should go and meet him or not. A few minutes later he was all dressed up, backpack in hand as he went down the stairs, saying bye to his parents and leaving with Mikey.

"Have you two talk since the... while situation?" Mikey suddenly asked as they were walking to school. "Mikey, I still don't want to talk about it" Gerard explained, looking down at the ground. "Okay.... sorry for asking" Mikey said before the only thing they could here is the birds chirping.


They had three minutes before the bell rang indicating that 5th period would be over. Gerard tapped his foot as played with his pencil as he heard his teacher speak. He kept on looking at the clock, still not sure whether he should go or not.

Then they it was. It's high pitched ring went through everyone's ear. "Fuck..." Gerard cursed under his breath. He stood up and grabbed his bag, swinging it over his shoulder. He walked outside. Frank knew that gerard had 6th period free and he didn't mind skipping class. Gerard looked around, noticing that he hadn't gone outside yet. He proceeded to go sit on one of the benches the school had.

A few minutes later he saw the door opening and the same gothic kid walked out. "Gerard!" He shouted, getting attention. He ran over to him and he sat down next to him.

Gerard wanted to leave. He wanted to stand up and walk right out of there. "Hear me out.." frank said, turning over to Gerard.

"I am.. so, so sorry that I hurt you. I just want you to know that... yes, that origally was my plan but the more I got to know you the more I fell in love with you by the second. I'm an idiot and I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have thought of the fucking plan in the first place. Forgive me... please.." frank said.. though Gerard wasn't buying it.

"And why do you think that I should just let all of this go and forgive you. Sorry isn't enough after you shattered my fucking heart, you asshole" Gerard immediately stood up and started walking away until Frank grabbed his wrist.

"What can I do?... Look.. I-I'll do anything to talk to you again" Frank said, looking as if he was on the verge of actual tears. "I don't fucking know, Frank... Just don't talk to me right now. I need time on my own" Gerard yanked his hand out of Frank's wrist. "Fuck, Gerard! Don't you think you had enough time already!?" Frank yelled, making Gerard turn round to him.

"I've tried everything, Gerard, and you seriously can't see that I meant every single fucking thing I said!" Frank shouted.

"Are you really just turning this thing to you?! You're not the victim, Frank. You're not the one who let some shit head like you take their virginity!"

"Oh please, Gerard! You act like such a teenage girl sometimes. Talking some shit like 'I loved him and he took my virginity boo hoo'. Get over it, bitch! Fucking grow up!" Frank yelled before Gerard ran to Frank and tackled him down.

They both took his to each other and pulled each other's hair, grunting. Suddenly the door opened and a few teachers came out along with the principal himself. "Hey! Stop!" He yelled, seeing the two teens fighting and clawing at each other on the floor.

They both ignored them and kept on throwing punches at each other. "Fuck you, Frank!" Gerard yelled along with Frank saying, "You fucking asshole!"

The teachers and the principal went over to them and grabbed both of the boys, putting them aside of each other. "What the hell is going on?!" The principal said, fuming.

"He fucking started it" Frank said, looking at Gerard angrily, with hair in his face. "Fucking liar! This is all your fucking fault, bitch!" Gerard hissed back, trying to escape from the teacher's grasp to beat the living shit out of Frank.

"You two.. my office, now!" The principal said as they both walked, teachers by each side to stop the two broken hearted boys to fight again.

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