Chapter 17

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Ava's POV

"Look okay? I am a senior. This is my last year of high school. I HAVE to go to this prom!" I said with frustration. "You can't risk being seen. That's the last thing we need. Right Lucy?" Bart said raising his eyebrows. "Bart please. It's a masquerade ball and, plus the girls knew who I was as "Lucy" the girl with jet black hair. Just give me a new name and put a different wig on me. I can just pretend to be a a new student that came when to the school when the girls were gone." I suggested.

"I don't see the flaw in that. I mean, it's only for your enjoyment. We wouldn't want you to be unhappy? Right?" He winked. I rolled my eyes and said, "You make me sick." He looked at me with alarm before composing himself and saying, "Oh and I'll be there the whole night. Watching. Waiting. And as soon as you, you know, try something, I'll be waiting to take you right back to Louisiana with me."

He clapped his hands together before saying, "Well we must be leaving for the airport! Our flight leaves at 12!" I grabbed my suitcase and rolled it out of the hotel room. "And when we get home, I'm taking you dress and wig shopping! And if you are wondering, you will be more accepted at magcon." He slowly spoke.

"Once all the others are gone, Then we can show the world who you really are."

Giulia's POV

The ride home was a long one. I didn't have Matt to sit next to. He sat across from me, us both in the aisle seats. He occasionally reached over to grab my hand if he saw I was getting a bit tense.

When we landed, we got our luggage from the carousel and piled into the car. We were all dropped off at Nash's house. When we all got situated on the couch, Shawn spoke up. "So guys, when are we going dress and tux shopping?" I looked at Sabrina before responding, "Well me Sabrina, Angelina, and Kat were gonna go right now to Angelique's. I mean you can come with us and I'm sure there's a men's store nearby." They all nodded before heading outside. All of our cars were at Nash's because that was where we met before we left for Florida. However, to reduce the amount spent on parking meters, we all piled into each other's cars. In Nash's car, there was Nash, Cameron, Kat, Taylor, Shawn, the Jacks, and Angelina. In Matts car, it was Matt, me, Sabrina, Aaron, and Carter. Carter sat with Matt in the front seat.

A few minutes later, Matt pulled up in front of Angelique's and let us out before blowing me a kiss and driving off. We walked into the boutique and were greeted by a parade of glitz and glamor. Angelina and Kat walked in shortly after us and began looking around.

Soon, Louisa, and employee, came up to me and handed me a beautiful dress. "Perhaps you should try on this one? I think it would compliment your figure beautifully." I nodded and grabbed the dress out of her hand. I admired it as I carried it to the fitting room. I began to pull the dress off the hanger, when a note slipped out of the dress. I picked it up and read it. "5 Words" was what it said. I called the girls in and showed them the note. I would recognize that handwriting anywhere. It was Ava's.

Ava's POV

Angelique's was a cute little boutique we used to shop at all the time. I knew it would be the first store the girls would go to. I made Bart take me there for a dress. I walked in and found the prettiest dress In the entire store. I knew it was Giulia's taste.

I brought the dress over to the desk and took a post it from the desk. I leaned over and looked at Bart, who was busy on his phone. I quickly scribbled, "5 Words" on the paper before I stuffed it in the sleeve. I walked up to Louisa and said to her, "Make sure this dress gets to Giulia Monhuzzi." She knew all of our names since we were practically there every day.

I had a super dangerous plan. It may be a success, it may be a disaster, but it was worth a shot.

{ A/N } 500 reads!! Thank you guys!!! But I'm super excited for the next few chapters!

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