Chapter 38

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Your POV:
The rest of the day went by pretty quickly after the guys came to see me at the diner. The day was exhausting, but I still had an entire night ahead of me. Henry works the night shift, so I have to do bedtime with Nicholas. He's usually pretty good, other than the fact that he is never tired and likes to stand up in his crib and scream because he doesn't want to go to sleep. It's the same thing every night, but it's starting to last for shorter periods of time. I decided to start out just bathing him and getting him changed.

(Nicholas's pajamas)I walked downstairs with Nicholas and heard a knock at the door

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(Nicholas's pajamas)
I walked downstairs with Nicholas and heard a knock at the door. I placed him on his mat in the living room and opened the door to see Patrick.
"Hey, Pat! What're you doing here?" I said confusingly.
"Oh, I just figured I'd stop by and see if you needed help with anything since I know both Henry and Belch are working the night shift tonight and you're alone with the baby,"he said thoughtfully.
I smiled,"You know me so well. Come on in."
Patrick walked in and went straight to the living room where Nicholas was.
"Hey, buddy!"Patrick said scooping Nicholas up off the floor and tickling him. It was so sweet seeing him with my child. Something about the way he is with him is so reassuring and makes me feel comfortable.
"Hey, Pat? Do you mind watching him while I take a quick shower? I kinda need one," I said.
"Yeah, sure. Take as long as you need, princess,"he said with a smirk.
"Thank you so much! You're a literal life saver," I said placing a kiss on his cheek and heading upstairs. I was so excited that he told me to take my time. This means I can shave, FINALLY! I ran to my room, stripped my clothes off, and jumped in the shower.
About an hour later, I was finished. I had so much I needed to do, it wasn't even funny. My makeup was the hardest part, but it was all washed off. My legs were no lie the smoothest they've been since the wedding. I'm feeling amazing and super comfortable in my pajamas.

(pajamas)I walked downstairs and saw Nicholas dosing off on Patrick's chest

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I walked downstairs and saw Nicholas dosing off on Patrick's chest. He gently rubbed his back, and stood up. He walked up the stairs passed me, and put Nicholas in his crib. He tucked him in, and shut out the light. As he came back down the stairs, all I could do was stare at him with astonishment. I couldn't put Nicholas to sleep that fast even if I tried!
Patrick looked at me and chuckled,"Something wrong, princess?"
My expression didn't change as I spoke,"You just put him to bed with no problem. I haven't been able to do that EVER!"
He laughed,"Aww, it's okay. It'll get easier." He rubbed my back and engulfed me in his warm embrace.
I looked up at him and said,"I'm so happy I finally got to shave!"
He smiled,"That's great, I'm glad you're happy."
"Feel my leg," I demanded holding my leg up.
He hesitantly took his hand and rubbed it against my smoothe skin."Ooh la la," he laughed.
I laughed,"I know right."
He looked back down at me and said,"Now, you look exhausted."
I giggled,"That's because I am."
He smirked,"Well then I guess I gotta put your ass to bed too." He picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room. I quietly giggled making sure not to wake Nicholas, and Patrick gently layed me down on my already opened bed. He pulled the covers over my body and tucked me in snugly. His bright blue eyes met with my (Y/E/C) eyes. He tucked my hair behind my ear and placed a kiss on my forehead.
"I'll make sure to lock the door behind me after I leave,"he whispered,"Sweet dreams my princess." He placed another kiss on my forehead and left the room. My eyes fluttered shut as I heard him leave and lock the door. I was exhausted, but he just made me feel so much better. Why was I feeling things for Patrick and not Henry? I love Henry...but words couldn't describe how I felt about Patrick. It was a feeling inhumane that no one will ever be able to understand. Fuck my life.
Patrick's POV:
Again?! I can't believe I did it again! I didn't tell (Y/N) about how I was feeling! My heart, my body, my soul longs for her. I'm addicted to her like a drug. I'm addicted to her scent, her essence, her constant need to keep everything perfect, but most of all, I'm addicted to who she is. She has taken who I am and improved it. I had a massive drinking problem and I smoked before (Y/N) sat me down and told me that she would never speak to me again if I didn't stop my bad habits. From then on, I've gone to therapy sessions, support groups, and even substituted my bad habits for good ones. I've started to write about my pain through poetry and short stories. I've thought about beginning a novel, but I'm still debating on whether I should do it or not. I drink from time to time, but not enough to get drunk. I'll have maybe a glass of wine here, a bottle of beer there, but I won't get drunk unless its a special occasion. I got drunk when Henry and (Y/N) got engaged, and we all know how that turned out. I regret doing so much, but with (Y/N), I don't feel bad.
I left (Y/N)'s house, and went straight to Vic's. I couldn't go back to my own because I had pictures of her and I all over, and they reminded me of how much I miss her being mine.
I pulled up to Vic's place and rang the doorbell.
"Pat?" he asked rubbing his eyes,"What're you doin' here? I was just falling asleep."
It was now about 12 a.m. so I could see how he was surprised to see me so late. I took a deep breath before answering,"I need a place to crash for the night. Can I crash here?"
He sighed,"Get in here, brother. Just go straight to your spot and I'll see you in the morning, alright?"
I smiled and hugged him,"No problem. Thank you."
With that, I went inside to his living room and set up my spot on the couch. I lied restlessly on his couch for about 3 straight hours before finally dosing off to sleep. I was still thinking about her, but I had to stop. I fell asleep, and dreamed about what our lives could've been and what they now cannot be.

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