Chapter 30

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Your POV:
I looked at Patrick, shocked to have heard those words come out of his mouth. Those were the very few words that I just couldn't handle hearing and tears formed in my eyes.
Patrick held me closer to him,"I know its late, but you know why nothing ever happened between us. Well, nothing that anyone knows about, but I can't shake my feelings for you. You and Henry being together has made me realize how much it broke me when we are apart. I need you in my life, I wa-"
"Stop, Pat,"I began getting more and more upset as he continued to talk,"We can't change the past. We had something special, we really did, but that time has passed." It brought so much pain to my chest as those words fell out of my mouth. I was now sobbing in his arms, holding him tight. I couldn't shake my feelings for him either. I loved Patrick, but I also loved Henry.
Patrick sat me on his lap as I cried into his shoulder.He held me close to his chest and rubbed my back gently. The more and more affection he showed me, the more hysterical I got. Why was this so hard for me. PICK A FUCKING MAN AND STAY WITH HIM!! I was getting so worked up, that I ended up crying for 2 and a half hours on Patrick's lap. The other guys were in the kitchen getting drunk and having fun while Patrick and I cried on the staircase. I cried so much that I passed out on Patrick's lap. He picked me up, and took me to the kitchen."Hey, guys,"he started,"(Y/N) fell asleep, so I'm just gonna go put her to bed and I'll be back down to drink, alright?" They all nodded, and Patrick carried me upstairs to my room. He got me into a pair of pajamas, and tucked me into bed.

(pajamas) Patrick's POV: After getting (Y/N) settled, I walked downstairs to the kitchen where the guys were drinking

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Patrick's POV:
After getting (Y/N) settled, I walked downstairs to the kitchen where the guys were drinking. Belch stopped after two beers because 'somebody had to be sober'. I grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniel's whiskey, and started chugging. I soon started to get drunk, so I ditched the whiskey and grabbed a shot of vodka before drinking a beer. Henry and Victor were already trashed and started talking.
"Hey, Patrick?"Henry began in a slurred voice,"Can I ask you something?"
Me being drunk, I said,"Yeah, what's up buddy?"
Henry began to laugh,"Who did you lose your virginity to and how old were you?"
No hesitation, unfortunately, I responded,"I lost my virginity to (Y/N) and I was 16. We were in love, and we did it. I still love her. I wish I had snatched her up when I had the chance, now she's gone."
Alcohol is a fucking truth serum. There's no escaping its power no matter how hard you try. Belch came over to me and said,"Say that one more time."
Again, I stupidly repeated,"I lost my virginity to (Y/N) at 16 years old."
I saw the anger fume through his entire body. He didn't hit me, but he ran upstairs.
Henry must've not understood what I said because he replied with,"She sounds like a sweetie. That's also my fiancè's name. I love her so much!"
After I heard a few bangs come from upstairs, and the baby start crying, I passed out in the middle of the kitchen.
Your POV:
I woke up to pounding on my door. I opened it and in came Belch. He slammed the door behind him, and Nicholas began crying. I picked him up and began calming him down as I said,"What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"What's wrong with me?!" he said,"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!"
"What are you talking about? Are you drunk?" I asked.
"No, but Patrick is. He told us all about how you guys were in love and you guys lost your virginity to each other!"he was steaming.
I choked a little bit before letting out a small cry. I couldn't handle much more of what was happening. I wiped my face and said,"Do you know how hard it is to be in love with someone and not be able to be with them in fear that you'll lose your relationship with your own brother?! It's hard to believe, Reggie, but Patrick was my first love. He and I would sneak off and hangout and we were happy! We stopped because we were afraid if getting caught. I didn't wanna lose you and neither did he. I love Henry more than anything in this world, but no matter what, I will always have some sort of feelings towards Patrick. Henry is my love, Patrick is my life. I can't change the past, and I can't change my feelings, so if your gonna be mad at someone, be mad at me."
Belch looked at me confused,"Listen, I'm not mad, I just wanted to know why you never told me."
"Why I never told you?!" I whisper screamed so I wouldn't wake up Nicholas,"I never told you because I didnt want you to kill either of us!"
"I love you (Y/N), and your happiness is the most important thing in my life. If you had told me about you and Patrick before hand, I would've done the same thing as I did with Henry. Maybe a little less harsh since I didnt walk in on you and Patrick having sex, but you get it. This is an important dicision that has to be made. You're wearing an engagement ring! You need to figure out who you want as your husband, and who you want as your friend."Belch hugged me, and kissed my forehead. He left the room, and Henry came in drunk. He went to the bathroom really quick to throw up, then got into bed and layed next to me. I put Nicholas down, and fell asleep on Henry's chest. I might've been asleep, but my mind was racing. All I was thinking about was Patrick and then Henry and it went back and forth. I had a decision to make, and I had to make it fast. I just didn't want anyone to get hurt.

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