Chapter 12

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The day went by slowly. Every second of the day, I was thinking about what might happen to Henry if his dad tried to find him.
"You okay, (Y/N)?" Belch asked looking concerned,"You haven't said a word all day."
"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied,"Just a little tired, that's all."
"Well, if you're tired, why don't you take a nap?" Patrick suggested.
"I'm okay, really. I'll just watch you guys play while I sit on the porch swing," I smiled and sat down on the swing. It was peaceful there. I sat there thinking, and eventually dosed off. I slept for about 2 hours, and felt Victor sit down next to me. I woke up to me and Victor outside alone.
"(Y/N), are you okay?" he asked looking concerned,"You're my best friend, and I know when you're acting different."
"Vic, to be completely honest with you, I haven't been doing too well for the past couple of days. You know how I always go on runs early in the morning, right?" I said.
"Yeah, why? What happened?" he asked puzzled.
"When I went on my run a few days ago, I went to the pharmacy to pick up batteries, and I saw Butch Bowers, and today I went on my run and I wanted to go to the coffee shop to grab a latte and HE WAS THERE! He kept asking if I knew where Henry was and he kept telling me how much Henry liked me. I hate Butch and I don't want Henry being in his care if all he's gonna do is hurt him," I said crying.
Victor wrapped his arms around me and said,"Listen, (Y/N). I know how you feel. Henry doesn't deserve what he's been dealing with, and we should help him. Everything is gonna be fine."
"Thanks, Vic." I hugged him, and we went inside.
"SHE'S ALIVE!" Patrick joked.
"Woohoo! Let's celebrate the awakening of the sleeping beauty," Belch added.
"Ha ha, your so funny," I said sarcastically,"I'm going to take a shower."
I head up stairs to take a shower. I slipped off my clothes, and turned on the water. I got in, and the water was warm against my skin. I was feeling upset, so I turned on my radio. The first song that came on was 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' by Bonnie Tyler. As soon as I heard it start, I started crying. I just couldn't stop. I kept thinking about Henry and how much I loved him.
I heard someone knock on the door and say,"(Y/N), are you okay?" It was Henry.
"Yeah...yeah, I'm fine," I said still sobbing on the floor of the shower.
"Can I come in? You seem really upset, and I don't want you being upset," he said with sympathy in his voice. I had no choice but to let him in.
"Sure, come in," I said with a wave in my words.
The door opened, and Henry walked in. He gently closed it, and sat down on the floor.
"Why are you crying, (Y/N)?" he asked with an upset look in his eyes.
"I don't think I'm ready to tell you," I said trying to stay as calm as I could. I was afraid of telling him. I don't wanna lose him.
"Baby, I can handle whatever the world throws at me. We can work through this together. Just tell me what's going on," he said.
I took a deep breath and tried to find the right words,"When I was going on my runs for the past few days, I've seen your dad. When I went to the pharmacy he told me that he heard you talking in your sleep about how much you liked me, and in the coffee shop he asked if I knew where you were. I didn't tell him, but he told me that you were a worthless piece of shit and I was wasting my time. I went off on him saying how he was a horrible person and he shouldn't treat you the ways he's been treating you and-" I was cut off my Henry pushing his lips against mine.
"Don't worry about a thing. No matter what happens, nothing will change between us. I love you, and you love me. My dad won't make me feel any differently and I won't let anything happen to us, you hear me? Don't cry, your too beautiful for tears," Henry kissed me again, and left. I finished my shower, and got changed.

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