Chapter 44

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My shift at the music store went slowly. My only girl friend, Beverly Marsh, stopped by.
"Hey, Bev!" I said embracing her into a huge hug.
"Hey, (Y/N)! How are you?" she asked.
I sighed,"I'm fine, how about you? I haven't seen you in FOREVER!"
Beverly looked at me curiously. She knew something had happened. She placed her hand on my shoulder,"I'm great, but what happened? I know your not telling me something."
"It's nothing," I lied,"I haven't seen you since 11th grade. Let's catch up when I get my break. We can go to the diner and grab a bite."
"Okay, but your going to tell me EVERYTHING! And I heard about you and Henry. I can't believe you're a thing. It's whatever, I'll see you on your break," she said.
"Alright, see ya later, Bev!" I said waving at her. She waved back and exited the store.
***break time***
I entered the diner to find Beverly sitting at a small booth waving me over. I walked over and sat down across from her.
"Spill!" she demanded before I could say anything.
"Spill what?! I just sat down!" I said in a serious yet joking tone.
"Something huge happened in your life! Something good and something bad. Tell me absolutely everything," she said grabbing my stitched hands,"and let's start with these. Why're they scabbed and stitched?"
I took a deep breath,"I was very sick a few days ago and I had to take this medication that made me act high and drunk at the same time. I was having extreme mood swings aaaannnndddd. . . kinda punched a few rocks by the Quarry."
Beverly was confused."Why'd you punch the rocks exactly? You know I never judge you even if it was something horrible. Hell, I wouldn't judge you if you killed someone and buried the body and all of the evidence."
Her words were reassuring yet I still felt uncomfortable. I moved my hands to my sewn up knuckles and rubbed them. I shifted my gaze towards the table as I began,"Bev, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while now."
She was intruiged,"Okay, and?"
"I never went to 12th grade because the summer leading up to it,"I swallowed hard,"Henry got me pregnant."
I shushed her,"Yes, but not all of Derry has to know! And yes, Patrick knows. I also wanted to say that Henry and I eloped, so I didn't want you to feel like I just didn't invite you to the wedding. It was just him and I in the court house. His dad was there only for the parental consent and since I don't have parents Belch was there, but that was it. I'm so sorry I haven't talked to you or seen you, but I had a lot going on."
Her facial expression dropped. She was emotionless. I grabbed her hands and her eyes filled with tears. Her lip began to quiver.She, through sobs, choked out,"Can I at least be the baby's Godmother?"
I gave a small smile,"Of course you can! He hasn't been baptized yet, so I'll go and talk to the priest. I'm so glad you're not mad at me."
"I'm not mad,"she said wiping her tears,"I just felt left out for a while, but it's okay. You and I are back to the way we used to be."
I slid next to her and gave her a hug. We split the bill, and decided to take a walk through the park before my break was over. I had a little while, so we were right on schedule.
Beverly turned to me,"You still didn't explain why you punched those rocks."
I sighed,"You know about the meds, you know how they affected me. . .oh shit. Well, guess you know everything except that I asked Henry and Patrick to have a three way with me and they said no at first, so I ran and started punching the rocks."
"Hold on, at first?" she smirked.
I giggled,"Well, yeah. They said the only way I would stop was it they did it, so they did."
"Did they use protection?"she asked giggling.
"Don't be stupid, of course they-"I was cut off by the sight of Patrick in the distance. He had Nicholas in the stroller and was pushing him. Holy fuck, what if he sees me?
"What's up? You're doing that staring in the distance thing,"Beverly said.
"N-Nothing. Let's just go, I gotta head back to the store,"I said hoping she would comply.
"Seriously, what's wrong?" she was just getting more aggravating.
"Patrick is here with my son, now can we please leave?" I practically begged.
"Why don't you wanna see them? It's your baby and your daddy," she wiggled her eye brows.
"Ha ha, we've had our fun, now let's-" as soon as I turned there they were.
"(Y/N)?" Patrick questioned not believing I was actually there.
"Mommy!"Nicholas said giggling and kicking his feet in the stroller.
I turned towards them and waved,"Hey, what're you guys doing here?"
Patrick gave me the classic 'Hockstetter smirk' that makes my legs go numb,"I could be asking you the same, princess. Who's your friend?"
I turned to Beverly,"This is Beverly, Beverly Marsh. You and the guys gave her Hell in high school, but she's over it, right Bev?"
She gave a sweet smile,"It was the past. I'm sure it was just because you were hormonal, teenage boys who had nothing better to do with their lives. I am over it though. You've all probably changed for the better."
Patrick gave her a sincere look,"I'm so sorry. And we have changed, all of us. Maybe sometime we can all go out for an apology dinner? Maybe get Butch to watch Nicholas so all of us can be there?"
Beverly and I looked at each other stunned. I've never seen this side of Patrick towards another person. I secretly didn't like it, but was happy he was being nice to Bev. I decided to answer,"Yeah. We'll be in touch and we'll give you a time and date."
Beverly looked excited,"Great!Can I bring my husband? He's amazing! His name is Tom Rogan. You all would really like him."
"Yeah! Totally bring him!"I said,"This is gonna be totally tubular. Thanks for suggesting this, Pat." I gave him a kiss on the cheek as well as Nicholas.
Patrick's face turned a slight shade of pink. He gave me a smile,"See you at home, princess."
Beverly and I waved as we walked back to where our cars were parked.
I turned to her,"You're married too?"
She blushed,"Yeah, he's okay. You know how people say girls are attracted to guys who were like their fathers?"
I was puzzled,"Yeah?"
She sighed,"Well, unfortunately, that's what ended up happening with me. He's basically his clone in a different body."
I frowned,"I'm sorry,Bev. You don't deserve that."
"Thanks, but he was a great guy and acts great in front of people so I think this dinner will be good so we have at least something nice before we go back to chaos," she gave a weak smile.
"You've always though positively. Well, gotta blast. I'll call you," I said getting in my truck.
"Bye!" she yelled from the window of her Jeep.
We both drove off and I headed back to the music store. I finished up there, and worked at the bar for my shift. It was a long night, so I got home and went straight to bed. Patrick was passed out on the couch, so I pulled a blanket over him and kissed his forehead. I could see a small grin appear on his face, but I thought nothing of it. I smiled slightly as I walked upstairs. I grabbed some pajamas, and took a shower. I finished up, got changed, and slid into bed.

(pajamas)Henry was half awake and half asleep, so I cuddled into his side

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Henry was half awake and half asleep, so I cuddled into his side. He tilted his head towards mine and softly locked our lips together."I love you so much, (Y/N)," he whispered running his hand down my side.
"I love you more,"I retorted drifting off to sleep.
I realised that I love Patrick and Henry in different ways, so I don't have anything to be confused about. Beverly explained it all. She said,"You love Patrick as a fuck buddy and you love Henry as your husband."
I can finally sleep soundly knowing I do love my husband. Things were looking up for me, I needed that talk with Bev. I snuggled closer to Henry and fell asleep. I was at peace.

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