Chapter 43

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The rest of the day came and went, and I don't remember much. The doctor prescribed me medication that basically made me a mixture between high and drunk, so I REALLY don't remember much. I vaguely remember what happened after I took it.
The next day came, and I was feeling 100% better, but I was confused. My hands and knuckles were sore and scabbed with stitches in them. How did they get there?
I walked downstairs, still in my outfit from yesterday, to find Vic and Patrick still in my living room. Henry was just in bed with me, and I even heard Belch snoring from down the hallway. Why were they here? Confused, I headed back upstairs. I decided to just take a shower and get ready for the day. It was Saturday, so I'd work at the music shop from 3p.m. to 5p.m. and then go to the bar for my 7p.m. to 12a.m. shift. I hopped in the shower and got ready.

(outfit)I finished up, and headed downstairs again

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I finished up, and headed downstairs again. This time, all of the guys were awake.
"Hey, guys!" I said enthusiastically walking towards them.
"What're you so happy about?" Belch scoffed over the rim of his coffee mug.
I was confused,"I'm feeling a lot better, and I'm finally going to work. Why're you so touchy today?"
My eyes welled up with tears. I was trying to hold back my cries as I spoke,"What did I do?"
Henry came behind me and wrapped his arms around my torso," were on that very strong medicine yesterday, and it was definitely affecting your mood and behavior."
I looked at him,"But what happened? What did I do?"
He sighed,"Who wants to tell her because quite honestly, I don't wanna be the one to do it."
Patrick grabbed my hands. He gently rubbed his thumbs against them as he spoke in a soft yet serious tone,"You were bound to my hip in the beginning of it. No matter what, you never wanted to leave my side. You were rambling on and on about how you loved me and you loved Henry and some other random stuff about that. Once I got up to take a piss, and you flipped. You screamed, you cried, you threw things at Belch and Victor. You kept repeating the same thing each time and you didn't stop until I came back and hushed you. You kept saying,'He doesn't love me. He loves me more than he does.' You never specified who either of the 'he's were, so that part is a mystery. Once Henry came home, you, and I'm not making any of this up. You stripped all of your clothes off, and tried to get me and Henry to have a three way with you. When we said we couldn't do that, you flipped again, but this time was worse. You got all of your clothes back on, ran to the Quarry, and started punching the rocks until your hands bled. When Victor tried grabbing you, you swung back and scratched his eye. That's why he has that scratch by the lower part of his left eye. After we gave into your tantrum and had a three way, you fell asleep. You kept having night terrors, but never woke up from them. That's why Belch has a black eye and is exhausted. The baby is fine though, he was a perfect angel for Vic. And if you were wondering, you didn't hurt the baby. So there, that's what happened yesterday."
I stopped and had a look on my face that I couldn't even decipher. It was a combination of disappointment, anger, fear, sadness, and arousel. I couldn't imagine myself doing those things even if I was drunk! I mean, don't get me wrong, I would absolutely love doing it with my two favorite guys, but not like that.
I gently pulled my hands away from Patrick's and unravelled myself from Henry's arms. My eyes were watering and I was about to burst.
"I-I think I'm just gonna go for a quick drive. I'll be back," I said rushing out of the house with my keys. I started the car as soon as I got in it and drove off.
Henry's POV:
I watched as my very own wife drove off in tears about what she'd figured out she'd done. I walked back inside and sat on the couch. I put my head in my hands and tried to think of the best. She's just gotta blow off some steam. She'll be fine once she's calmed down. I walked into the kitchen where the guys were, and I sat down at the table.
"You alright?" Victor asked taking a sip of orange juice.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just a little worried, that's all," I responded.
"Hen, I'm sorry. You said someone had to tell her, so I did. And I'm also sorry about yesterday, I shouldn't have-" Patrick said only to be cut off.
"Its fine, you were doing it for her. You still have feelings for her?" I said.
" uh...I dunno. I can't exactly tell you whether I do or I don't because I dunno," he said nervously. His hands twitched every time I metioned her to him. I knew it, he still loves her.
The hours came and went before (Y/N) returned. She needed a breather, but I didn't expect it to take so long. I decided to just let her be until she was ready to talk. I wasn't gonna force her because I knew that she would snap and blow up. I didn't want my girl upset. My girl.
Your POV:
I got back at 1p.m. so I had time to freshen up for my shift at 3p.m. I couldn't bring myself to talk to the guys after what I'd found out I did. I headed straight upstairs without making contact with anyone on my way there.
I freshened up, and drove over to work. I just needed some clarity. I had to figure this out.

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