Chapter 5

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Your POV:
I thought about what Henry was telling me at the Quarry. I love him more than anything in the world, but I wouldn't want him to come between me and my brother.
Belch and I are really close even though he acts tough with me around his friends. I'd always loved when I would hang out with Belch, just the two of us, and we could just sit for hours making jokes and having fun. I just wish there was a way where we could do that, but with Henry. Yes, Belch was friends with Henry before I was and he doesn't want me getting hurt. I COMPLETELY get it. I just wish my brother could loosen up a bit when it came to me being with someone, even if it was Henry.
We went back home from the Quarry, and I went upstairs to take a shower. The guys said that they wanted to take me somewhere else, but I insisted on freshening up first. I head upstairs, pick out my outfit, and take a shower. I took my radio in with me, so I could sing, and I could hear the guys laughing about it.
I got out of the shower and said,"Something funny boys?"
"No ma'am, nothing funny," Victor said giggling. I was only in my towel, still dripping from my shower. I could see Henry admiring my body even if he wasn't trying to. I head back up the stairs to get changed and put my makeup on.

 I head back up the stairs to get changed and put my makeup on

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(makeup)"Okay, I'm ready," I said coming down the stairs

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"Okay, I'm ready," I said coming down the stairs.
"(Y/N), are you wearing . . .makeup?" Belch asked confused.
"Yes! You guys told me that you were taking me somewhere and so I wanted to look nice," I said with a wink towards Henry.
"Whatever, get in the car." I climb into the back seat with Henry and Patrick. Henry told Patrick that he and I were a thing, but Patrick won't tell anyone. Victor sat in the passenger seat beside Blech, and we started driving.
It was dark by now, and we had only been driving for about 5 minutes. Henry slid his hand over to my leg, and started to feel my thigh. He looks at me and I bite my lip. No one else in the car notices us, so I move closer to him. I plant a small kiss on his cheek, and we reach our destination.
"Alright, everybody out," Belch said taking the keys out of the ignition.
"Where are we?" I asked not recognizing the area.
"Where mom and dad used to take us when we were little," Belch replied smiling. He pointed to a faint LED sign that read,"Derry's Diner: Home of the Finer Things".
"Oh my God! Belch, I completely forgot about this place! It's been what? 9 to 10 years since we've been here?" I said hugging him tightly.
"I figured since we haven't been here in a while,I just figured we should take you to a place that meant so much to you as a child."I hugged him again and we walk in.
"Oh my God! Rick! It's the Huggins kids! I haven't seen you guys in forever," an older woman with dark hair comes over to us from around the counter and hugs us both. "Y'all probably don't remember me, but every time you guys came here, I would bring you guys free milkshakes. Y'all used to get so excited! By the way, I'm An-"
"Andy McCain!" I said excitedly. "Now I remember! You used to have a blue streak in your hair!"
"That's right! And my husband, Rick, had a red streak," she said pointing to a man in the back. He had grey hair and a dark beard.
"That's right! Wow, it really has been long since we've been here, huh Belch?" I said looking around.
"Yeah, it has," he said looking at a picture on the wall. It was a picture of Andy, Rick, and our dad all smiling and sitting in a booth. The picture was labeled,"Good Friends 1976".
We sat down in a booth, and ordered our food. Andy brought us all free milkshakes, and we sat and talked for hours.
***time skip***
Henry's POV:
I got home a little later than I should have. To my suprise, my dad was home, and I walked in the front door with my head down.
"What're you doin' home so late,boy?" my dad said with a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other.
"I'm sorry, sir. I was at the diner with the guys and (Y/N)," I said trying to keep a calm and respectful tone.
"Do you know what time it is? It's 9:37 p.m. Curfew is at 7 p.m. BOY, WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKIN'?!" he said screaming in my face. I heard his belt unbuckle and come out of the beltloops on his jeans. He folded the belt in half and said,"Take off your shirt and turn around you worthless piece of shit." I slipped off my blue t-shirt and faced the wall behind me. He wrestled me to the ground, and began whipping my back with his leather belt. Each strike was harder than the last and stung worse and worse as it progressed. After about 5 minutes he turned to me and said,"Go to your room, fag."
I walked up the stairs to my room, and slammed the door. I got my razor and went into the bathroom. I took a shower, and then shaved. After I shaved I broke my razor to get the blades out. I started making long cuts across my left wrist with the blades. Tears streamed down my face as I felt the blades glide against my skin. I looked into the mirror infront of me, and I noticed a bruise on my right cheekbone. 'It must've been from when I hit the floor' I told myself as I examined the mark in the mirror. I cleaned up the razor in the bathroom and went back into my room to get changed.
I got changed into my boxers and a grey cut off t-shirt. I continued to look at the cuts on my wrist, but heard a knock on my door. I go to the door and open it. My father stood there and said,"There's an emergency at work, I won't be back till tomorrow night."
"Okay, sir," I replied,"Do you need me to do anything while you're gone?"
"Nope, just had to tell you so you knew." He left the house and minutes later I packed a bag. I put some clothes and a couple of personal items in there and headed to Belch's place. He would let me stay, right? He knows me, he knows my situation, wouldn't he let me stay at least for a couple days?
I walked to the Huggins' household, and knocked on the door. To my suprise (Y/N) answered the door half asleep. She looked so cute in her pajamas.

(pajamas)"Henry? What're you doing here? It's 10:30 p

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"Henry? What're you doing here? It's 10:30 p.m." She said rubbing her eyes and yawning.
"I got into a fight with my dad and now he's at work, can I stay here for a few days?" I asked rubbing the back of my neck.
"Sure, yeah. Come on in." She says opening the door letting me in. I set up on the couch, and notice there was a pillow and blanket on the chair next to the couch.
"Were you sleeping down here, (Y/N)?" I asked setting my stuff down.
"Yeah, I was waiting for my mom to come home from work to grab her dinner, but I fell asleep and she let herself in to grab it." She said laying back down on her chair.
"Oh, okay. Well, you go back to sleep, I'll shut out the lights."
"Thanks baby," she says blowing me a kiss. I pretended to catch it and felt myself begin to blush. I turned out the lights, and layed down on the couch. I hear (Y/N) fall asleep, and so do I.

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