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Thorin now stood before his grandfathers throne. He was summoned by King Thror to discuss some important matters, though had no idea what they were. He bowed as he came up to the throne,"You summoned me my King?" Thror smiled as he looked at his grandson,"Ah, Thorin. Your father and I have come to a conclusion, and we believe it is time for you to be married." Thorin was shocked."What?", he asked looking up at Thror. Thror repeated himself calmly,"Now that you have become of age, it is high time for you to choose your bride."

Thror continued,"We must have someone carry on the line of Durin." Thorin furrowed his brow,"Is my sister not enough?" Thror waved his hand,"She is, but our kin need a queen." Thorin was very agitated,"Then why not have Frerin marry?" Thror laughed,"Because he is not next in line." There was a bit of silence before Thorin spoke again,"I do not want to do this grandfather, please." Thror grew angry,"I am your grandfather and your King and you shall obey me! You will choose your wife or a wife will be chosen for you!" Thorin raised his voice,"Then choose one! I do not care!" And with that Thorin left the throne room.

He slammed the door behind him and leaned against the wall. He shook his head as he walked down the corridor to find the only person he could consult about this. His head peered into the training room. He heard the clashing of swords and angry shouts, looks like someone had a lesson. He quietly opened the door and walked inside.

He stood there and waited for his friend to finish training the new soldiers. His friend noticed him standing off a ways and concluded the class."Dwalin.", Thorin said as he walked towards him."Thorin.", Dwalin said as they held each other's shoulders. Dwalin looked at Thorin,"You seem troubled?"Thorin nodded and led Dwalin out of the room and into a secluded corner.

"What's troubling you Thorin?", Dwalin asked leaning against the wall. Thorin paced in front of him,"My grandfather has told me I am to be married." Dwalin raised an eyebrow and smirked. Thorin kept pacing,"He said that either I choose or he chooses." Dwalin said seriously,"Well I hope you chose well." Thorin looked away embarrassed,"I became angry and shouted at him to choose." Dwalin rolled his eyes,"Of course you did."

Thorin folded his arms and turned to Dwalin,"What should I do?" Dwalin shrugged,"Pray to Mahal he picks a beauty." Thorin gave him a stern look."What? There's really nothing else you can do. I'm sorry Thorin." Just as he said that, Thror's messenger walked up to them,"Excuse my interruption my prince, but your father and grandfather request your presence. You my bring Dwalin if you like." Thorin glanced at Dwalin and saw him give a curt nod. He looked back at the messenger,"Alright, we are coming."

They both bowed when they were in front of the King. Thorin looked up at his father and nodded in his direction, his father did the same. Thror spoke out,"Thorin, we are delighted to inform you that we have chosen your bride." Thorin's eyes went wide,"What?" He went to step forward, but Dwalin grabbed his shoulder to stop him.

"You said you wanted me to choose, so I did.", Thror said. He motioned to Thrain. Thrain saw and held a hand out to behind the throne. A small hand reached out and took it. Out stepped a female dwarf in a simple brown dress. She kept her head bowed and her eyes cast downward as Thrain led her to Thorin.

Thror smiled,"Thorin, I introduce your wife to be, Mivera." Without looking up she curtsied low,"My prince." Thorin said nothing. Dwalin moved beside Thorin and looked down at the woman,"Pleasure to meet you my Lady, I am Dwalin." She slightly glanced up and him and smiled. Thorin noticed her eyes were steel grey.

Thror cleared his voice,"I expect you to get along quite nicely. Thorin, you are required to stay near Mivera and make sure she feels welcome here. You are dismissed." Thorin, Dwalin, and Mivera turned to leave when Thrain called out to them,"Your engagement rings will be ready within the next few days." Thorin didn't answer and just walked out the door.

Dwalin caught the door before it hit Mivera, she smiled in thanks. They followed Thorin into the library. Mivera looked around and slowed her pace. Dwalin saw her and grabbed Thorin's shoulder,"Go talk to her." Thorin looked at him bewildered,"Why?" Dwalin rolled his eyes,"She may feel just as angry as you about this. The least you could do is be friendly about it." Thorin relaxed his shoulders, Dwalin had a point. He sighed and walked towards Mivera.

"You enjoy reading?", he said when he reached her side. She looked up at him calmly,"Yes." He kept talking to avoid anymore awkwardness,"What do you like to read?" She shrugged,"Mostly history books, medical books." He nodded,"So you read for information." She looked away,"And pleasure."

A dwarf with a dark grey beard turned the corner. Thorin smiled,"Balin." He left Mivera's side and went to Balin."Why hello Thorin, fancy seeing you here, you're never in the library." Thorin motioned behind him,"I'm showing a, guest, around." Dwalin came up and whispered to Balin,"Thorin has just been betrothed." Baling eyes widened,"Really? Well where is the lass, I want to say welcome." Thorin led him over.

Mivera bowed,"Hello Master Balin, pleasure to see you." Balin stopped walking,"You know my name lass?" She sheepishly nodded,"Yes. We've met before." Balin looked curious,"We have? When?" She nodded her head,"I was her one day just to have some peace to finish a letter I was writing, and I accidentally spilt ink everywhere." Balin smiled and nodded,"Ah, yes I remember now. You had it all over yourself, yet you would not clean yourself up before you cleaned up everything else."

She just gave a small smile and looked to Thorin,"King Thror has assembled a banquet to celebrate our uh, engagement. So I'm sorry to leave, but I must go get ready.", she turned to Balin and Dwalin,"Thank you so much for showing me around Master Dwalin, and it was nice to meet you again Master Balin.", she curtsied low to Thorin,"Until this evening my prince.", with that she left the library.

Thorin turned around,"What's with the whole,'my prince', thing?" Balin stepped over,"She's just being polite, Thorin." Thorin however did not believe him."She's probably just trying to chat me up for the money and title.", he said with disgust. Dwalin's voice became rough and angry,"Now look here Thorin, you know nothing about this woman so I suggest that you respect her either way." Thorin was to angry to even think about giving an apology, he just growled under his breath and left the library.

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