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Thorin pulled Balin behind a large column as the fire hurtled towards them, getting out of the way just in time."Balin! We need to get everyone out of here!", Thorin shouted. Balin nodded and signaled to everyone to follow him. Thorin and Dwalin gathered the remaining people from within the mountain.

Thorin took a slight detour to the gold room. He barged through the door to see his grandfather standing smiling, admiring his treasure. He caught sight of his grandson,"Hello Thorin." Thorin nearly shouted,"Ee need to leave now!" Thror gave him this ouzzled look,"Why?" Thorin walked towards Thror,"Dragon."

Thror's eyes went wide and he bustled his way to the throne. He quickly took out the Arkentstone and began running with Thorin.a large tail came busting through the walls, nearly knocking Thorin and Thror into the heaps of gold. It did however, knock the Arkentstone out of Thror's hands.

Thror went after it without hesitation. Thorin forcfully grabbed his grandfather by the arm and dragged him alon,"Come one!" With much resistance, Thorin eventually brought Thror out of the room and they were running down the corridors.

They were going to sneak out of the entrance, but the dragon got there first. He pounded through the door, sending it in all directions. Everyone was in a panic, running and shouting for their lives. Tieal showed up by Thorin's side,"Bring her peace Thorin." Before Thorin could question what he said to him, Tieal was running of in the other direction.

Tieal stopped a long ways away from everyone and he shouted at the top of his lungs,"I'm not scared of you! You'll never catch me filth!" This angered the dragon and he made his way towards Tieal, burning, clawing, and eating dwarves on his way. Thorin pushed everyone out of the door with the chance opened. He turned one last time to get any remaining stragglers, but instead saw Tieal running the opposite way.

"Tieal!" He looked over his shoulder and shouted back,"Bring her peace Thorin!" The dragon, close to Tieal's heels, reared back and breathed fire, incinerating Tieal immediately. Thorin was horrified as he helped carry another dwarf out of the mountain.

Everyone who was now outside was coughing and running in all directions. Thorin saw a glint off in the distance and saw the elven king Thranduil with his army. Thorin felt relieved and he waved his arms rapidly,"Help us!"

Thranduil gave him this look of pity, then pushed his men back. Thorin watched it shock as the elves just simply walked away. His shock slowly grew into anger, then resentment.

Dwalin took him out of his daze,"Thorin we need to go now!" Thorin nodded and ran side by side with his friend. After they were far enough away from the mountain they looked back. They saw Erebor, puffing out smoke and burning with fire.

Thorin neared Balin gasp and turned to face him,"What?" Balin pointed off to the left,"Esgaroth did not escape the wrath of the dragon." Thorin looked down from the hill top at the burning city. He could feel his heart stop. Dis. Mivera. Thorin began running as fast as his legs would allow, ignoring the shouts behind him telling him to stop.

Thorin was gasping for breath as he came up to the rubble that used to be a town. He heard footsteps behind him and turned to see it was Frerin. Just as Frerin was about to ask what he was doing, Thorin looked back at the rubble and shouted as loud as he could,"Dis! Mivera!" Frerin became frantic to and joined in shouting and looking through the rubble.

It was painstakingly silent as they searched through the rubble. Thorin went off in one direction and Frerin in another. Frerin kicked a rock out of frustration and worry, it hit a bit chunk of fallen stone. A small whimper came from the rock and Frerin froze. He heards the whimper again and quickly knelt down next to it.

He looked underneath the rock and saw a wide pair of big brown eyes."Frerin!" Frerin frantically began to move the large rock but Dis shouted at him,"No! Be careful! The rock is on top of Mivee!"

Frerin knelt down again and looked deeper into the crevice. He recoiled when he saw Mivera's unconscious face. He shouted over his shoulder,"Thorin! They're over here!" Thorin was there in an instant.

He looked down at the rock then to his brother. Frerin spoke quickly,"The rock landed on Mivera." Thorin nodded and went to a side of the rock while Frerin took the other. The both lifted on three and threw the rock away.

Thorin dropped to his knees and began to carefully lift Mivera. Frerin felt faint, the smell of burnt flesh filled his nose. He couldn't bring him spelt to look directly at Mivera's wounds, so he went to helping Dis out instead.

Frerin was in awe, Dis had managed to only get a small scratch on her head and a little dust on her dress. She basically leapt up to Frerin and wrapped her arms around his neck as tightly as she could, she was not intending to let go anytime soon. He hugged her just as tightly back,"Are you alright?" He felt her nod in the crook of his neck and he sighed with relief.

Thorin carefully pulled Mivera onto his back. He felt her breath against the back of his neck, they were short and ragged. She shifted a bit,"Dis?" Thorin patted the hand he was holding to keep her on his back,"She's alright Mivera, we're going to get you treatment." He called to Frerin, and they stumbled their way back through the rubble down to the lakes where every dwarf was waiting in the boats that escaped the fire.

Balin and Dwalin rushed up to them the second they came into sight. Thorin motioned to Mivera,"She's badly burnt." Balin nodded,"Well we can't treat her here, hurry now and get in the boat!" Frerin stopped by Dwalin,"Where's father and grandfather?" Dwalin pushed him to the boat,"They're already on their way to the Iron hills."

Thorin handed Balin Mivera gently before he got into the boat. He sat down and carefully laird her on her stomach, putting her head on his lap. Frerin sat across from him with dis still clutching his tunic tightly. Dwalin pushed off the boat and they all watched as their once glorious home, now engulfed in flames, disappeared from their view.

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