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Despite having only one arm to work with, Mivera helped with saddening up the ponies and packing the food. And any time that Thorin would attempt at trying to convince her not to go and to just satay and rest, she would look him in the end and say,"I did not fall off a cliff, get dragged by Orcs, and be dropped in a field to just sit idly by."

Balin snickered when Mivera helped Ori climb onto his pony,"Even with an injury, she still keeps the company standing." Thorin smiled and saddled up his pony. Beorn stood in front of them,"I apologize, I only have 14 ponies."

Mivera smiled,"It's alright, Thorin and I will share." Beorn nodded and handed her her red cloak before walking back inside. After she adjusted her cloak to where it covered up her sling, Thorin pouted,"What if I don't want to share a horse with you. She slapped his shoulder and put on the horses saddle.

Thorin mounts his pony and looked down at Mivera's outstretched hand. He gently takes it, and with much ease, swings her up in front of him. He grabbed hold of the reigns, Mivera placing her hands under his.

When they began riding, Mivera leaned back onto Thorin's and looked up at him. He looked down for a brief second before looking back up,"What?" Mivera shrugged,"I'm just tired." He looked ahead,"We won't get there until about midday, you have a few hours you can rest."

She turned so her legs were dangling on one side of the pony and leaned back onto Thorin. She busied herself by playing with the fur of his coat. It wasn't long before the rhythmic trotting of the horse lulled her to sleep.

Thorin felt her hand slowly wrap around his waist and he knew she had fallen asleep. He took one hand off of the reigns and held it around her back so she wouldn't fall. Dwalin laughed and Thorin furrowed his brow at him. Dwalin smirked,"Smitten."

It was midday when they reached the forest, just like Thorin said. He slowed down the horse and woke Mivera up. She groaned and looked up at the looming trees. She kept her eyes on her trees as Thorin held her waist, helping her down,"This is depressing."

Bilbo nodded,"This forest feels, sick. Is there no way around?" Gandalf shook his head and dismounted his horse,"Not unless we go two hundred miles north, or twice that distance south."

While Gandalf went into the forest a ways, Mivera was struggling with putting on her pack. Fili saw and went to help her. He grabbed the straps of the pack and swung it onto his own shoulders. She looked at him curiously,"That's my pack." He nodded and she continued,"Therefore I must carry it."

Fili shook his head,"No, you're injured. I can carry it." She stood up straighter and walked past him,"Don't drop it." He rolled his eyes at her snickering, she was never going to forget that.

She walked over to where Thorin stood looking at the gate. He flinched when she put her hand on his shoulder. He removed his hand from the gate and walked back to the company.

Mivera began to follow, but she stopped beside Bilbo when she reached him. He averted her eyes and looked down at his feet. She laughed,"For the last time Bilbo, it was not your fault." He smiled a bit and Gandalf stopped in front of him,"You've changed, Bilbo Baggins."

Bilbo looked up at him,"I just found my courage." Gandalf smiled,"Good. You'll need it." Mivera was confused when Gandalf mounted his horse again. She looked at bilbo and he put his hands in his pockets,"He will not be joining us."

Gandalf looked down at Thorin,"I'll be waiting for you before the slopes of Erebor. Keep the map and key safe, and do not enter the mountain without me." Thorin nodded and Gandalf rode off, leaving the company at the entrance of the dark forest.

Thorin turns to the company,"Come, we need to reach the mountain before the end of Durin's day, let's go." He walked past Mivera, grabbing her good hand and pulling her along.

Ori ran up to Mivera and she smiled,"Hello Ori." He opened his book,"I have a few notes here about Mirkwood." She heard Thorin grumble but she smiled at Ori,"Alright then, let's hear them." He smiled and turned through the pages.

He put his finger on one,"The air in the forest is heavy with illusion and can lead you astray." Bilbo sputtered,"What? What do you mean lead you astray?" Balin spoke for Ori,"The sickness you mentioned earlier Bilbo, it's in the air."

Ori shook his head,"Not just the air. It's in everything, even the water. The river that runs through the forest is enchanted and anyone who drinks it falls asleep. I don't know for how long." Mivera shrugged,"Let's not be the ones to find that out."

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