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Dwalin and Balin were waiting by the front door when Frerin came down with Dis in hand."Where's Thorin and Mivera?", Dwalin asked. Frerin looked back,"I guess they're still sleeping, I'll wake them." Balin nodded and took Dis's hand.

Frerin knocked lightly, but there was no response. He knocked again louder, still no response. He hesitantly turned the doorknob and opened the door. His eyes went wide at what he saw. He assumed they would be as far away from each other on the bed as possible, but no. They were instead compleat lye enveloped in each other. He couldn't help but grin mischievously and he ran back to Dwalin and Balin.

"You'll want to see this.",he said excitedly. Balin and Dwalin looked at each other curiously before following Frerin. Dwalin snickered at the two on the bed. He nudged Balin,"Didn't I tell you? Smitten!" Balin shook his head,"You sure did." They were so caught up in laughing at the irony, they didn't notice Dis climbing up onto the bed.

"Forin! Wake up!", she yelled. She sat on Thorin and bounced up and down. He groaned back,"Dis, I'm up I'm up." Balin, Frerin and Dwalin were hurriedly pushing each other out the door, shushing one another as the scuffled, and squeezed through the door.

Thorin opened his eyes and Dis was inches from his face pouting,"It's time to go!" He smiled and ruffled her hair,"I know, I know. Let's go." She sat up,"But we still have to wake Mivee." Thorin tilted his head to look down at Mivera, she was still sound asleep.

Dis climbed off him and light poked Mivera's cheek,"Mivee, wake up." Mivera smiled,"No." Dis looked offended,"Mivee, you wake up right now!" Mivera opened her eyes and rolled them,"Fine." Dis nodded and slid off the bed,"Come one! It's time to go" she giggled and skipped out of the room.

Mivera quickly removed herself from Thorin and got off the bed. She bent over and reached her boots from behind a chair. She sat in the chair and began tying them up, noticing Thorin was still laying in the bed,"She's going to keep coming back and jumping on you if you don't get up." He groaned and rolled over.

Mivera smirked and walked out of the room. She was greeted by three pairs if eyes gleaming with the thrill of knowing something she did not. She looked back at them,"What?" Balin smiled,"Oh, nothing lass." She hesitantly nodded and walked to the kitchen.

She dug throughout the cupboards and found a small bucket. Smiling to herself, she filled it with the water bucket that was left by the front door the night before. She smirked, it was ice cold. She walked with it in her hand back towards the room. Dwalin furrowed his brow,"Where are you going with that lass?" She nodded towards the room and smiled. When she was out of sight, Dwalin whispered to Balin,"See brother! She's even getting him water!"

And Dwalin was right, in a sense. Mivera walked into the room and, to no surprise, Thorin was still laying on the bed. She stood next to him and reached the hand with the bucket out in front of her, and quickly dumped it on his face.

He shot straight up coughing and sputtering. He saw Mivera standing next to the bed, a triumphant smirk on her face. He just gave her a wide-eyed stare as she marched out of the room. He shook his head and wiped what water was on his face and tried up his boots.

Dwalin smiled,"Did Thorin enjoy the water lass?" Mivera smirked once again and set the bucket down,"In a sense." Dwalin was momentarily confused, but the questions in his head were answered when Thorin walked in with his hair and shirt drenched. Dwalin burst out laughing and Balin and Frerin ran in to see what was so funny. Once they saw Thorin they to joined in the laughter. Mivera herself snickered a bit.

Thorin ignored them and grabbed his cloak from off of the arm of a chair and swung it on. He looked at them expectantly,"Well, shall we be off?" The others laughter came to a close and they all nodded, filing out of the door.

They quickly mounted their ponies and made their way to the path leading away from the village. As they rode farther down the path, more and more dwarves also on horseback began to trickle in. By the time the sun had fully risen over the horizon, there had to be at least a good few hundred dwarves following the lead of Thorin and Mivera.

She looked at Thorin,"Where are we headed if I may ask?" Thorin smirked,"Do you not trust me?" She laughed,"It is not that, I just prefer to know where I am going." She saw Thorin smirk out of the corner of her eye,"We are going to the Blue Mountains, there is a town of men near their." She nodded and looked away.

Now Thorin was the one to turn,"Are you alright?" She raised an eyebrow,"Now I'm pretty sure I almost detected a bit of genuine concern?" He scoffed and Mivera laughed,"I will be fine, just give me time." She smiled at him with kind eyes, and Thorin returned the smile.

Mivera looked out in front of them,"It's amazing." Thorin furrowed his brow and she looked around,"How loyal they are to you." Thorin didn't look back,"They are not loyal to me. They follow my father and grandfather." He saw her shake her head. He looked at her and she said with the most serious tone he had ever heard her speak in."I follow you."

His eyes widened and she laughed,"Don't look so surprised. I know you better than I know them. And I uh, I trust you." He smiled and look at her,"Why the sudden trust?" She shrugged,"Well we did just survive a dragon attack." He smiled to himself and watched her as the rising sun illuminated her face and made her eyes shine with hope. Thorin to looked ahead with hope, hope for the future to be as bright as Mivera's eyes.

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