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Thorin's sword was raised and came down swiftly, knocking away a stone coming towards Mivera's head. Mivera jumped back and instinctively flinched. When Thorin looked back at her she cowered back in fear, this surprised Thorin. He opened his mouth to speak but Smaug's voice rung out,"You will burn!" Thorin grabbed Mivera's hand and pulled her away from the flames and running to where the company was hiding.

They barreled through the entrance and Gloin slammed the doors shut. Mivera panted and the pungent stench of smoke stung her nose. She whipped her head around and saw Thorin's clothing on fire. Everyone was frazzled and attempting to pat it out, failing horribly. Mivera took off her large cloak and sniffed out the fire in an instant. This earned a few claps on the back, all bringing a sharp pain to Mivera's abdomen. Thorin got up and held his hand to Mivera, she eyed him suspiciously before taking it and slowly getting up.

Thorin and Mivera led the company through the halls down to the western guard room. They went into the room that was supposed to lead them to the outside, but the door was blacked and sealed shut with the burnt corpses of the dwarves who did not escape Smaug. Balin gasped,"The last of our kin. They must have come here, hoping to escape." Tieal

Mivera looked sadly around the skeletal figures, one in particular caught her eye. It was obviously a male dwarf, his jaw was slightly slack as if in his final moment he was shouting. His body was crouched over a pair of small skeletons, children. Mivera looked more closely at the skeleton and saw an iron necklace still hung on its neck. She gingerly reached and held it in her palm. Her heart lurched up in her throat, her family crest was engraved on the charm. This was her brothers necklace, this was her brother. Her hand shot to her mouth and her eyes filled with hot tears and she just stood their in shock.

Thorin saw her standing rigid and walked over to her slowly. When he saw tears streaming down her face he placed a hand on her shoulder gently,"I know, I wish this would never have happened either." Mivera just stayed silent and Thorin looked at her face,"Mivera?" She looked down at the skeleton,"Tieal." Thorin closed his eyes and stood there with Mivera, his hand still on her shoulder. He felt it begin trembling so he glanced at her, she was clutching her heart and silently crying. Thorin felt himself begin to well up at the sight so he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him in a tight embrace.

Mivera drew back instantly and let out a groan, clutching her abdomen. Thorin's eyes became laced with concern,"Mivera are you alright?" She didn't have time to answer, they hear the rumbling anger of Smaug echo through the halls. Balin whispered hoarsely,"We could go to the mines, we might last a few days there." Thorin shook his head,"We will not die like this."

He turned to the company,"We make for the forges." Mivera stood shakily,"Are you mad? He will surely kill us!" Thorin gave her a determined look,"Some of us will make it. If this is to end in fire, we will all burn together." Mivera sighed and shook her head,"I follow you my king." Thorin smiled small and led the entire company out of the guard room down to the forges.

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