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Mivera looked up at Thorin,"Call back Fili and Kili now!" Thorin opened his mouth but Dwalin interrupted,"Are you sure you want to leave?" Mivera glared at him angrily and Thorn held her back,"We will live to fight another day." They heard footsteps echo behind them and they turn around, Mivera gasping horror,"No-"

Azog emerged from the shadows, holding Fili. He smiled, showing his horrid sharp teeth, and it made Mivera shudder. Azog held Fili up and spoke in Black Speech,"This one dies first. Then the brother. Then your queen. Then you, Oakenshield. You will die last." Fili struggled to get out of his grasp and his eyes locked with Mivera's. He shouted to her,"Go! Run!" Azog then impaled him in the back and Mivera screamed,"Fili!" Azog dropped Fili,"Here ends your filthy bloodline!" Mivera drew her sword and went to throw it at him, but Dwalin and Thorin held her back. She ferociously ripped herself from them and ran down to where Fili had landed, ignoring the sinister laughter of the Pale Orc and Thorin calling her name.

She dropped to her knees next to him and his eyes flickered to her,"Auntie, go." She could see his strength failing and the life leaving his body. Mivera gingerly lifted his head onto her lap,"I will not leave you here Fili, you will live." Fili tried to shake his head but he grimaced in pain,"Go find Kili, auntie." She gave him the sternest look she could muster,"I told you two not to separate!" Fili looked away from her eyes in shame. His voice was now hoarse,"I love you Auntie." That was when she choked on a sob,"I love you to my boy." Fili's body then relaxed and Mivera knew he was gone. She gently kissed the top of his head.

She heard a gasp next to her and looked up to see Kili standing in the walkway to the tower, eyes wide. He stared down at his brother, and Mivera saw grief wash over him. But then he surprised her by gripping his sword tighter and ran back to where the orcs were. She called after him,"Kili no!" She tore herself away from Fili and ignored Thorin's calls as she bolted after Kili.

It didn't take long for orcs to surround her, and Mivera enjoyed killing every one of them. She cut off their heads left and right, not stopping to take a breath. She didn't care that she was hit many times with their blades, that was nothing compared to the rage she possessed. Eventually she made her way to a clearing and she saw Kili fighting Bolg. Bolg was about to stab him when the she-elf that had healed her flung herself on him and yanked him away. Mivera pulled Kili aside and he shouted,"Auntie what are you doing?!" She shouted back,"Protecting you!" Bolg had managed to knock the elf away and he looked at Mivera,"Ah, your highness." He sarcastically bowed low to the ground,"Azog will be delighted to know that I have killed both of you."

He lunged at them, Kili and Mivera easily side-stepping out of the way. Mivera cuts his side and Bolg roars with anger, swinging his sword violently. The tip of his sword sliced into Mivera's shoulder making her yell in pain. She looked down at it and saw that it was deep, close to bone. Kili came to her aid and swung blindly at Bolbg, who knocked his sword out of his hands. Bolg held Kili tightly and raised his sword but Mivera grabbed his elbow. That wasn't enough and Bolg threw her off of him and made her body slam into the stone wall. She cut her head on a sharp rock and could get up. She heard someone call her name and she turned to see it was Kili. Their eyes locked and Mivera watched in mute terror as Bolgs sword drove through Kili. She crawled over to him and touched their foreheads together,"I am sorry." Kili coughed,"It's alright, Auntie. I belong with my brother." With that Kili closed his eyes and Mivera kissed the top of his forehead.

Suddenly she heard a cry from the very top of the tower and her eyes snapped open,"Thorin!" She lifted herself off the ground, wiped the blood out of her eyes, and grabbed her sword. Bolg was busy fighting a blonde elf so Mivera easily slipped past. She ran around and kept calling his name,"Thorin! Thorin!", but she received no answer. Mivera heard ice breaking and hurried to where she heard it.

She rounded top he corner and saw Thorin standing on broken ice, looking into the water. She ignored the throbbing in her head and held her shoulder tightly to stop the bleeding and walked to Thorin's side. Once she was next to him she saw Azog's body floating in the water, trapped under ice. When his eyes closed she said,"What now?" Thorin turned to her,"Now we live to fight another day." Mivera began to speak but then a sharp pain erupted in her foot and she screamed. Looking down she saw Azog's sword had impaled her foot. Azog then broke through the ice, very much alive.

He flung Thorin down on the ice and raised his sword. But Mivera jumped onto his back. Azog reared up and tried to get her off. He swung around and tried to grab her, but Mivera held on tight. Azog was being choked and and in a last attempt he slammed his back into the side of the tower, crushing Mivera. Her arms loosened and Azog finally got a hold of her and threw her down on the ice, an icicle impaling her stomach when she landed. She coughed up blood and Azog sneered, slicing her back with the sword.

Thorin saw red and he attacked Azog in rage. Azog takes advantage of his vulnerability and manages to pin Thorin down. Thorin block Azog's blow, but Azog was strong and the tip of his sword inching closer and closer to Thorin's stomach. Mivera pushed herself of the blood covered icicle and lifted her eyes up. She saw Azog over Thorin and adrenalin pumped through her veins,"No!" She grabbed a lone sword from the ground and heaved herself up to her feet and ran as fast as she could, but she was not fast enough. Thorin's strength failed him and Azog's sword finally cut right through Thorin. Mivera screamed at the top of her lungs,"No!" She flung the sword in her hand at Azog and her aim was perfect.

The sword went straight through Azog's neck, decapitating him. Thorin pushed the heavy body off of him and Mivera kicked the head off the high tower. Hearing Thorin cough behind her she whipped around,"Thorin!" She scurried to his side and dropped onto her knees next to him. She heard wings above her and looked up,"The eagles!" Thorin tried to touch her wound but Mivera held him down,"No! Lie still." She moved his hands to see if the wound, and she covered her mouth when she saw it,"..no..".

Thorin ignored her and grabbed her chin, turning her face to him,"I am glad you are here." Mivera gently tried to move his hand back down,"Shh Shh Thorin it's okay." Thorin held her hand tightly,"Tell Bilbo I would like to part in friendship." Mivera shook her head,"No, you can tell him yourself, you are not going anywhere. Thorin you are going to live." Thorin ignored her,"I would also like to apologize once again for my actions in Erebor. You did what any noble queen would have done." He gently cupped her cheek and brought her face down to his. He kissed her forehead,"I am happy that the last sight I will see is your beautiful face." Mivera held his hand to her face and the tears that were threatening to fall finally feel and she whimpered. They shared one last look and Thorin smiled,"Farewell, amralime."

His arm went slack and her eyes widened,"No no no no Thorin, don't you dare leave me!" Thorin's eyes now stared off into a place Mivera couldn't see, but Mivera pointed at the sky,"Just hold on Thorin, see the Eagles? Thorin hold on the Eag-" her voice broke and she hung her head. Her hands shook as she closed his eyes, her cheeks becoming tear-stained. She clung to Thorin's armor with white knuckles and hugged herself to his body. Her tears falling onto his armor and sliding off.

She heard footsteps and her head whipped around and her hand grabbed a rock as she stood. Just as she was about to through it she saw it was Bilbo. Bilbo held up his hands,"It's me!" Bilbo looked around,"Where's Thorin?" Mivera began weeping again and stepped to the side, letting Bilbo see him. Bilbo gasped,"Oh no..." Mivera crumpled to her knees again,"They're dead Bilbo! All dead! It's my fault!" Bilbo rushed to her side,"No of course it is no- You're hurt!" Bilbo tried to get a better look of her wound from the ice but she snapped at him,"Leave it!" Bilbo looked at her sternly,"No! You are going back to Erebor and Oin will heal you!" Mivera fell on Thorin's chest,"No! I am not leaving him!"

She heard Bilbo leave and she began crying again while the memories replayed in her head. She remembered the time when she first met Thorin, she remembered their first fight, when they danced. Mivera closed her eyes and remembered all of the moments the two of them played with Fili and Kili when they were children. Mivera was crying so hard she was heaving and gasping for breath.

A hand touched her back and Dwalin's voice reached through her weeping,"Come on lass." Mivera whimpered in defeat and let Dwalin pick her up and carry her back down to the rams. But as they were walking off the frozen lake, Mivera saw Balin cover Thorin with a large white cloth. She buried her face into Dwalin's chest and cried out. Dwalin just rubbed her back as they began riding back to Erebor,"I know lass. I know." With that she let the darkness consume as she slipped into unconsciousness.

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