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Thorin slammed his door when he entered his dark room."Quiet down Thorin you don't want to wake Erebor." Thorin spun around,"Who's there?" The voice scoffed,"You would think a husband would recognize his own wife's voice." Thorin clumsily lit a candle and held it up."Mivera? What are you doing here?"

She spoke quietly,"They removed all my possessions from my room, I now share a room with you." Thorin groaned inwardly, he knew this was his grandfathers idea, it had to be. He looked at her,"You take the bed."

She rolled her eyes,"Such a typical thing for a man to say. I trust that you won't do any funny business while I am sleeping, so there really is no need for us to not sleep in the same bed." Thorin scoffed,"Fine."

She took the side of the bed that was pressed up against the wall and laid down with her back to Thorin, he laid down shortly after. Seconds later Mivera spoke,"I apologize for the fact that you have to sleep next to a wretched, spoiled, annoying woman."

Thorin growled,"You woman-", she interjected,"I have a name." Thorin kept his teeth clenched,"I apologized what more do you want?" She whipped around and propped herself up on one elbow and looked down at him,"Not everything can be mended with an apology Thorin." He didn't say anything and she sighed,"Look, we are married now, therefore we will have to do most normal married couple things. Like sleep in the same bed for example, just for once quite being a child." Thorin couldn't help but smirk to himself as she laid back down. She really did infuriate him.

The sight Thorin woke up to was, to say the least, bewildering. Mivera was clutching his arm in a death grip and her face was right next to his. He attempted to remove his arm, but she would just give a slight groan. In the end, Thorin decided to stay put where he was.

He looked back down towards his shoulder at Mivera. Her dark lashes were fluttering, her lips were barely parted, and her cheeks were rosey. Thorin smiled, she must be having a good dream. Without realizing what he was doing, Thorin reached up and tucked a strand of hair from her face. His hand jerked back when she stirred, but she didn't wake up. Instead, a small smile played on her lips. Thorin could help but give a slight smile, she looked so innocent, like a child. Completely different from the cold hard outer Mivera. He smiled once more, before falling asleep again.

Mivera woke up with the bright sunlight streaming in through a window. She opened her eyes to see Thorin's face centimeters in front of hers. She gasped with surprise and jerked her head back. She looked down and saw she was holding onto his arm, letting it go instantly. She quickly sat up and removed the blanket from her lap.

She went to slide of the end on the bed, only to see that there was a wall there. She mentally slapped herself for picking the inside, when she came into the room last night she saw that the bed was framed with walls on three sides. An insolent construction in her opinion. She sighed to herself, there was only one way out of the bed. And that was over Thorin.

She crawled to his side as carefully as she could. She slowly reached an arm over him and placed her hand next to his head. Mivera then silently lifted her leg over his body and placed it on the other side. She reached a sigh of relief, but nearly jumped out of her skin when a groggy voice said,"Uh, morning?"

She cringed as her eyes met Thorin's clear blue eyes,"Morning." Thorin made a quick assumption of his situation,"I admit I never said I trusted you not to make any moves, but I thought that was implied." She lifted her hand and slapped his shoulder,"Hush I was just trying to get out of the bed." She rolled to her left and her feet touched the cold stone floor.

She rolled her shoulders and walked to the washroom. Thorin sat up and watched her go. He laughed to himself as she looked around confused and lost."Do you know where the washroom is?", he asked with a sly smile. She glared at him,"The layout of this room is different than my old room." Thorin nodded towards the door to her right, she thanked him and went in.

He got up and put on his boots, listening to Mivera's humming. He felt well rested and relaxed, the first time in a long while. He stood up and went to grab a fresh tunic when Mivera opened the door again. Miraculously, she was was ready for the the day. Her hair was pulled back in small simple braids, she was wearing the same brown dress she wore three days ago.

She stepped lightly, her heels making faint little taps as she made her way across the room to Thorin."Excuse me.", she said reaching behind him. He did not move and she rolled her eyes, pulling out a bag from behind him. Thorin decided to try to be polite. He cleared his throat,"How did you sleep?" She shrugged and fixed her hair in the vanity,"I've slept better."

He kept the conversation going,"Something keep you up?" Her face held no expression,"Your snoring." Thorin felt his ears go red,"You could have woken me up." She laughed,"And have you yell at me in the middle of the night? Right." He squared his jaw,"I would not have yelled at you."

She turned around,"You've yelled at me for far less." Thorin raised his voice,"Where are you going?" Mivera had been walking to the door. She turned her head and readjusted her bag,"To Esgaroth, Dis wanted to see the rest of she carnival and today is the last day it's here." He nodded,"She won't be up most likely for the next hour."

She turned around,"I know, I have things to do before that." He looked her in the eyes cooly,"Like what?" She shrugged,"Things." He raised his eyebrows, hinting he wanted to know more. She rolled her eyes,"It's personal business." He smirked,"Well considering our current relationship, what's your business is my business."

She glared at him. Thorin groaned,"Why must you be like this?" She pursed her lips,"Be like what?" He threw his hands in the air,"So stubborn! All I asked is what your plans were but you snap at me." Her eyes widened,"I did not snap. I simply told you it was personal, and you, being your arrogant self, pulled rank on me for your own personal gain!" He went up straight to her face,"Believe me the only thing that I am praying to gain is your absence." Mivera clenched her jaw and walked out the door, slamming it behind her.

She huffed and walked briskly down the corridor, hoping to get as far away from him as possible. She turned a corner and pressed her back against the wall. She closed her eyes and calmed down, taking deep breaths. She shook her head, attempting to emote her head from the horrible names she was silently calling him and walked on.

Thorin felt instantly bad, he had not meant what he said. Not seconds after she slammed the door in his face he was off following her. He turned he corner she was just at, but he saw no sight of her. A servant was walking by and Thorin stopped them,"Excuse me, have you seen Mivera?" The servant nodded and pointed towards he, cemetery? Thorin thanked them and began walking when an arm stretched out and stopped him. It was Tieal.

"How is it you can be so polite to the servants, but not to Mivera?" Thorin sighed annoyingly,"She is the only one I've met whose been able to bring out that side of me beside Dwalin." Tieal furrowed his brow,"Take it easy on her today, okay?" Before Thorin could ask what Tieal was talking about, he was walking away. Still confused with what Tieal said, Thorin continued his path to the cemetery.

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