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Mivera felt awkward under the kings calm stare, it was as if he could see right through you. She stood as he saw them come up and walked down the stairs winding from his throne. Mivera suddenly felt like garbage with her worn clothing and matted hair filled with spider webs.

Thranduil paced in front of them,"Some may imagine, that a noble quest is at hand. One to reclaim a home, and slay a dragon." He shook his head as he faced them with his hands behind his back,"But I suspect a different motive." Mivera tilted her head and Thranduil spoke,"Attempt of burglary, you desire the Arkenstone."

Mivera kept her eyes on the ground when the elven king stared at them,"There are gems in the mountain that I to desire. White gems, of pure starlight." Mivera looked up in time to see Thranduil nod his head,"I offer you my help."

To her left she heard Thorin smirk,"I am listening." Thranduil smiled,"I will let you go, if you promise to return what is mine." Thorin nodded and turned around so his back was to the king,"A favor for a favor?" Thranduil smiled slyly,"You have my word, one King to another."

Mivera sent him a skeptical look, she could hear the venom in his cold voice. Thorin laughed,I would not trust Thranduil, the great king, till the end of all days be upon us!" Thranduil and Mivera were shocked at his outburst. Thorin pointed at the king,"You! Who lack all honor! I have seen how you treat your friends!"

Thorin was now fuming,"We came to you once, starving, helpless, seeking your aid, but you turned your back on us and let the inferno destroy us!" It was when he began swearing in Khuzdul that Mivera grabbed his arm and pulled him back, but Thranduil came face to face with Thorin. He sneered at the dwarf,"Do not speak to me of dragon fire!"

Thranduil grimaced and the side of his face began to change from the soft creamy skin to melted flesh and rotting muscle,"I know it's wrath and it's ruin, I have faced the dragons of the north!" He stood up and his face returned to normal,"I warned your grandfather of what his greed would summon, but he would not listen."

Thranduil shook his head,"You are just like him." The king waved his hand and guards grabbed both Mivera and Thorin,"Stay here and rot. A hundred years is a mere blink of an eye to an elf. I am patient I can wait."

Back in the cells Balin stuck his face through the bars,"Did he offer you a deal?" Thorin said calmly,"Aye." Balin sighed,"Well what did you say?" Mivera pinched the bridge of her nose,"He told them to ish khakfe andu-rugnu. Thorin shouted loudly,"Him and all his kin!" Balin shook his head,"That's that then. The deal was our only hope."

Thorin heard Mivera sigh deeply and sit down. He knew what he did was stupid, and childish, but he couldn't hold in his anger. He leaned against the back of his cell and was consumed by the sad silence of the company. That is, until, he heard the humming.

It was soft, gentle, like a mother. Thorin recognized the voice to be Mivera's and he smiled, listening to her voice fill the room. It was the same tune he had first heard her humming at the engagement banquet.

Fili smiled,"You used to hum that to Kili and I when we were dwarflings." Mivera stopped humming and grinned,"I'm surprised you remember." Kili shrugged,"How could we forget?" Out in a far corner of the cells, Mivera heard a small voice, belonging to Ori, call out,"Can you hum some more?" Mivera smiled and closed her eyes, humming once again. Thorin closed his eyes and leaned his head against the other side of the wall, smiling softly at his wife's melodic voice.

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