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Tauriel, Kili, Fili, and Bofur raced a crossed the docks to the mountain. Fili looked up at Tauriel when they stopped and the end of the town,"Why are you going to help her?" Tauriel tilted her head, unsure how to answer. After a moment or two she furrowed her brow,"Why shouldn't I?" Across the way Bofur waved his hands,"Are we just going to stand there diddling or are we going to find a way across?"


Mivera slumped against the stone wall on her left while the rest of the company ran past. Thorin saw and backtracked to her,"Mivera?" She shook her head,"I'm alright, just a bit winded. Let's go!" With a groan she heaved herself of the wall and followed Balin. They ran into a tall corridor and go left, Thorin went to distract Smaug and jumped down a hole, grabbing onto a rope as he slid down.

Luckily they make it down to the forges with Smaug behind locked doors, for now. Mivera glanced around quickly, the adrenaline pumping in her veins masking the pain from her abdomen. Dwalin groaned in agitation,"This plan will never work, the forges are stone cold!" Balin nodded,"We don't have a fire hot enough to heat them." At the exact same time Mivera and Thorin looked at each other and said,"Have we not?"

Mivera took to taunting Smaug with Thorin and they both stood tall. Thorin smirked and shouted,"I would not see you to be so easily out smarted!" Mivera looked at the large lizard slyly,"It seems over the years you have grown soft, like a slug!" This set Smaug off and Mivera shouted to the company,"Take cover!"

They hide behind strong pillars just as Smaug unleashed his fire. When it was over Thorin began barking orders, Bomber was to get the billows working, and Bilbo was to pull a lever when Thorin signaled him to. He told Balin to make a flash flame and turned to Mivera,"Can you keep him entertained?" Instinctively she touched her abdomen, but nodded.

Mivera bolted off to the side of the forges where Smaug was and shouted,"Oi! Looking for me slug?" Smaug roared and lunged at her and she jumped onto a nearby rope. She kicked the switch to the right and the rope race up, Smaug's jaws clamping close under. Mivera jumped and rolled onto the second stone floor she passed and hid behind a pillar.

Smaug stepped into the hall and sniffed,"You are a fool to think I will kill you." Mivera peered out at him from her hiding spot and he laid down. He sighed,"I will not have to, the poison laced throughout your body will do that in not to long now." Mivera placed a palm on her stomach, and left the pillar. Smaug chuckled,"As for your company, I will slaughter them like a wolf among sheep." Mivera grimaced,"If you do not plan to kill me, why chase me here?"

Smaug moved his foot and the Arkenstone rolled out I between them,"Because I am very tempted to let you have it?" Mivera smirked as she eyed the gem,"Out of the kindness of your own heart? I knew you had grown soft." Smaug growled,"To see him suffer from its sickness. To see him go mad with the lust for power and gold." Mivera looked out of the corner of her eye and saw a spear laying against the wall. She inched towards it,"Who's to say he will suffer? He may be a great leader."

Smaug didn't notice her motive of moving and chuckled again,"He will suffer. With you dead, and the Arkenstone in his grasp, he will drown himself in gold in an attempt to bury the pain of the lost of his bride." Mivera's fingers wrapped around the spear and she hurled it towards Smaug, hitting him square in the nose. The spear imbedded into one of his nostrils and he roared out in pain, Mivera shoved the Arkenstone into her cloak and ran for the steps.

Smaug didn't take long to regain composure and he was after Mivera with a whole new lust of her blood. He snapped close to her back and on impulse she jumped down the rest of the way to the forges, a good 15 to 20 foot drop. She landed on her feet with a loud thud and groan of pain. Thorin saw her and shouted to Bilbo,"Now!"

Water rushed out of the opened gates and many dwarves threw flash fires at Smaug, they confused him but didn't hurt him. Thorin pulls Mivera up to him and he flips a lever, sending out a stream of molten gold. Smaug thrashed and destroyed the spot where Bilbo was standing, Mivera shouted,"Keep going Bilbo! Run!"

The dwarves led him to the Gallery of Kings, Bilbo lagging behind. Smaug caught up to him,"You think you can deceive me? You have come from lake town. Perhaps it is time I gave them a visit." Mivera jolted her head to Smaug and ripped away from Thorin,"No! You cannot go to Laketown!" Smaug turns to face her,"Since you care about them, you can watch them die!" Smaug them weaves his way out, but Thorin's voice stopped him,"Here you worm!"

Smaug sneered at the dwarf,"You." Thorin smiled slyly,"I am taking back what you stole." Smaug laughed and made his way to Thorin,"You will take nothing from me dwarf! I am King Under the Mountain!" Mivera smiled coldly,"These are dwarf lands, and we will have our revenge."

Mivera clung onto Thorin as the mold fell away to show a golden statute. Smaug stared at it in awe, but was quickly surprised when the statue began to melt. The gold seemed to be attacking Smaug as it covered every inch of his thrashing form. The gold kept covering and covering until there was nothing more than a small pool of it.

It stayed like that for a moment, giving the dwarves hope and Mivera and Thorin began to smile. There smiles quickly faded when Smaug broke through the gold and roared,"Revenge?! I'll show you revenge!" He rams through the wall and takes to the sky. The company quickly runs out and hears the dragon cry out,"I am fire. I am death." Bilbo's face was stricken with horror,"What have we done." Mivera's vision suddenly blurred and she became wobbly. With the adrenaline gone, the pain slammed into like a shield, and the last thing she sees it Thorin's worried face before her eyes shut.

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