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Kili, Fili, Bofur, and Tauriel all were floating down the narrow river ways of Rivendell towards the mountain when they heard Smaug. Kili was watching all the men, women and children flee from their homes and jump into the lake in an attempt to escape. At one point he stopped rowing and they slowed. Bofur looked at him curiously,"What are you doing lad keep rowing!" Fili understood why his brother had stopped and took the oar, taking over.

Up in the mountain everyone was trying to wake Mivera up. She was a sickly pale and her forehead glistened with sweat. Her eyes would flutter and she kept mumbling incoherent things. Bilbo held her head still as the dwarves lifted up her shirt, he nearly gagged at the sight of blood oozing everywhere. All of the skin on her abdomen was black and peeling with the smell of death. Oin tried every herb and medical procedure he knew, but nothing seemed to be working.

Thorin was on her right side gripping her hand tightly,"Oin?!" Oin sighed in defeat,"I don't know Thorin I am sorry." Bofur stood and dusted off his hands,"Well it won't help her any if she stays on the rock. Come on lads, let's get her to a bed." Thorin stood as Dwalin picked her up,"Take her to the royal chambers." Dwalin nodded,"I know." He left quickly with Mivera held tightly to his chest. Bilbo didn't know what else to do, so he reached up and placed his hand on Thorin's shoulder.

Thorin looked down at Bilbo with a blank stare. Feeling awkward, the hobbit retracted his hand back and looked at the town. He could see the large mass of Smaug flying above the town, spewing fire and crushing buildings when he landed. He turned to speak to Thorin but the dwarf was no longer at his side. Bilbo looked around and saw Thorin was standing down a few steps, and was staring intensely at the door the Erebor.

Balins voice called him over,"I do hope the boys are alright." Bombur was very distraught,"And Bofur!" Bifur nodded and wrapped an arm around his brothers shoulders. Bilbo went to Balin,"How is she?" Balin rubbed his face in his hands,"To tell you the truth laddie, I don't know. Oin is trying the best he can, but I don't think Mivera will win this battle." Bilbo nodded sadly,"How long?" Balin sighed,"If we are lucky, she could go past midnight."

A sudden unearthly screamed boomed through the air, making Bilbo jerk his head towards the noise. His eyes widened as he saw the large shape of Smaug crash down and not move again. He shouted to the company,"Smaug is dead!" Everyone's celebration was extremely short lived because Thorin shouted at them,"Get back into the mountain!" Before they could question he was already inside. All of them exchanged strange looks before following.

Down at the riverbank it was chaos. Many people float dead in the waters, all surrounded by spouses or children. They helped the best they could, but had to cut their time short. Kili turned to Tauriel and looked up at her,"I want to thank you." She tilted her head,"What for?" He furrowed his brow,"For being willing to heal my aunt." Kili suddenly froze and his eyes looked behind her. Tauriel stiffened,"My lord Legolas?" Legolas stepped forward,"Come Tauriel, we must go." She stood there froze for a moment before shaking her head,"Forgive me Legolas. But I am saving her." Legolas didn't say anything as she climbed into the boat and went with the dwarves.

They arrived in quick time and hurried the best they could up the mountain. When they reached the gates they broke into a run. They flew through the doors and were most likely going to fly through the whole kingdom had Bilbo not called out to them,"Fili! Kili! Bofur!" Everyone stopped running and turned to the hobbit and Bilbo pointed to the door,"You need to leave!" Bofur looked confused,"But why? We just got here!" Bilbo shook his head,"You don't understand it's Thorin! His desire to have the stone is affecting him!" Fili's eyes widened and he ran.

Bilbo and the entourage followed suit and Bilbo found his way in the front as he led them to Thorin. When Kili saw his uncle roaming around the large quantity of gold, he was taken aback. Thorin saw them and held his arms open,"Welcome my sisters sons, to Erebor." He threw something and Fili caught it. He opened his hand to see it was a ruby, but when he lifted his eyes up Thorin was back to rummaging.

Bilbo sounded tired,"He won't eat. He won't sleep. What's worse is that he is not showing any signs of worry for Mivera." Tauriel looked down at him,"The queen, where is she?" His was the first time Bilbo realized she was there and he jumped a bit before answering,"Uh, if the royal chambers. The wound got infected and she-" he couldn't even finish the sentence because everyone was following Bofur to the chambers. Bilbo jogged closely behind them.

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