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"Bones will be shattered, necks will be wrung!" The goblin kings voice bellowed throughout the cave walls, some goblins all over goblin town even joined in sinning as well,"You'll be beaten and battered, from racks you'll be hung!" The goblins pushed the dwarves around,"You will die down here and never be found, down in the deep of Goblin town!"

As the goblin king was singing, other goblins were going through the dwarfs weapons. Thorin saw one goblin pick up his sword. The goblin shrieked as he unsheathed it, dropping it back to the ground. The surrounding goblins scampered away, the goblin king crawled to his throne,"I know that sword! It's the goblin cleaver!" The king looked around furiously,"Cut off their heads!"

All of the sudden there was aloud explosion and rock flew everywhere. The dwarves waste no time, they shake off the goblins and look up just in time to see Gandalf wielding his own elvish sword. Gandalf shouted to them,"Take up arms, fight, fight!"

The dwarves shoved their sway through the goblins and grabbed their weapons. Gandalf yelled,"Follow me. Run!" The dwarves ran after Gandalf, battling goblins that were chasing them.

The chase was, to say the least, interesting. When the dwarves came up to a bridge, they were surrounded by goblins on either side. Kili hoisted up a ladder and with the help of Dwalin swung it back and forth, knocking the goblins in front and back of them off the bridge. They joined Gandalf again and the wizard pushed down a large boulder.

The boulder rolled down the slope before them and crushed the goblins in its path. The company ran quickly across yet another rickety bridge. They were nearly to the exit when the great goblin blocked there path.

He chuckled menacingly,"You thought you could escape me?" He shoved the wizard back and stepped forward, shaking the bridge. He smirked,"What are you going to do know, wizard?"

In the blink of an eye, Gandalf jabbed his staff in the goblin kings eye. When the great goblin reared back, Gandalf took his chance and sliced his stomach. The goblin dropped to his knees,"That'll do it." Gandalf swung again and slit the kings throat. The corpse of the goblin weighed to much and broke the bridge and the company fell.

They landed hard with a pile of wood. Bofur smiled,"That could have been worse." He spoke to so, for the dead body of the great goblin fell on top of them. As the dwarves complained and pulled themselves out, Gandalf called out to them,"Only one thing can save us, daylight! Come!"

The hurried with Gandalf and blazed past the goblin horde and into the daylight. The kept running farther down the hill, getting as far away from those foul creatures as possible. They all eventually stopped in a small clearing beneath some trees.

Gandalf began counting,"Five, six, seven eight...Bifur, Bofur, that makes ten. Fili Kili, that makes twelve, and Bombur. That makes thirteen. Wait." He turned and looked at Thorin,"Where is the hobbit? Where is Bilbo?"

The dwarves looked around and Nori called out,"I think I saw him slip away when they first caught us." Gandalf stepped closer to him,"What happened exactly? Tell me!" Thorin growled,"I'll tell you what happened. Master Baggins saw his chance and took it! He has thought about his warm bed and nothing else. He is long gone. I imagine he doesn't even feel guilty."

Gandalf looked at him puzzled,"Guilty?-" ,his words caught in his throat. He had just realized the lost look on the companies faces, it was extremely apparent in Thorin's. Gandalf held his staff in both hands,"Where is Mivera?" Thorin looked at his feet,"At the bottom of the cliffs.

Gandalf looked down as well, he to was good friends with Mivera. He looked back up,"We must find Bilbo." Thorin brought his angered filled eyes up to Gandalf's,"Mivera is dead and all you want to do is find the hobbit?! I said before he is long gone!"

Bilbo then stepped out from behind a tree,"Nope, I'm right here." All the dwarves and Gandalf rushed to his in happiness, Thorin did not. Fili tilted his head,"How did you get past the goblins?" Gandalf waved his hand,"What does it matter? He is back." Thorin finally moved forward,"It matters, I want to know. Why did you come back?"

Bilbo turned to him,"Look, I know you doubt me, and hate me now. I do often think of Bag End. I this of my books, and my chair and my garden. See, that's my home. That's where I belong. You don't have one, so I'm going to help you get it back if I can." All the dwarves smile and Bilbo looked at his feet,"And also, I do feel guilty. If I hadn't been so careless and watched where I was going, Mivera would be here standing next to you."

Thorin's reply was cut off by eerie howling. Thorin mumbled,"Out of the frying pan." Gandalf finished,"And into the fire, run!" The company began running again. They felt the hot breath of the Wargs on the back of their neck just as they reached a cliff.

Without a second wasted they climbed into the trees. Thorin shouted to the company as the Wargs with Orc riders came closer,"They're coming! Move!" The Wargs were snapping their jaws beneath them and knocking over the trees. Once the dwarves were all in the same tree, Gandalf set a pinecone on fire and threw it down. Everyone caug on and soon a large wall of fire separated them from the Orc pack.

Thorin looked up when he heard a deep that laughter. He grit his teeth,"Azog." The Defiler smiled,"Do you smell it? The scent of fear?" He grinned wider and held something up on a large stick,"She reeks of it." Thorin's eyes grew wide with horror. On the stick, was Mivera.

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