Chapter 42 ☑️

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"I can't!" Anna whined squeezing my hand.

"Yes you can baby just push a little more." her mom said wiping the sweat off of her forehead.

"I change my mind I want the epidural." She said, her face bending up as the doctor told her to push some more.

She's doing really well considering it's her first time delivering a baby.

We're only on baby number one, she hasn't even began pushing for our second one but at least the head is crowning.

"It's too late now neonata, come on you can do it" I tried to encourage her but she wasn't hearing any of it. (Baby girl)

"Oh my god, how much longer do I have to push." She groaned out.

"Come on just a few more pushes and baby A is born" My mom said.

They said only two people are allowed to be in the room during the birth, which was of course going to be Anna's mom and I, but whatever my mother did gained her access to witness this beautiful moment. Not that Anna's complaining, both of the women by her side knows what having kids feel like so maybe that's giving her a little reassurance. I don't really know.

"This could've been over with but they just had to have your big ass head! My shit doesn't stretch this far nor is it supposed to Angelo!" Anna said looking at me. I raised my eyebrows. Did she just go there? While she's giving birth?

"My head?! You're the one with the big head-" I was cut off in the middle of my sentence by her mom.

"This is not the time for you to be arguing and for the record both of you have big heads, it wasn't easy pushing you out Anna and Angelo? I'm sure your mother had a hard time too." She said looking at me and my mom nodded her head.



This shit hurts so fucking bad!

Like I knew it was going to hurt but I thought it was just gonna be a little worse than the contractions to be honest. But I was wrong compared to this, the contractions were about a 5 maybe a 6 out of 10 but this is a 12.

"Come on sweetheart just a little more" I heard my OB-GYN say. I reluctantly comply and before I knew it I heard crying.

Fucking finally!

"Baby A is male!" I heard and couldn't be happier. One of my children are finally out. They grabbed him and placed him on my chest and I started crying. He was so wrinkly, like when you sit in the bathtub too long. Angelo was staring at his son in amazement.

It wasn't long before I felt another head crowning and immediately started pushing to get this shit over with. Alessandro should've made it easy for his sister.

I took the doctor and nurses by surprise when I started pushing and they immediately took action.

Some more painful moments and Alessandra is out and also placed on my chest. The doctor called Angelo over to cut the cords and he looked down there is disbelief. I wonder what it looked like down there for him to have that reaction. My mom was steadily wiping the sweat off my forehead. This was hard work but I'm glad it's over.
Both babies were cleaned, weighed, and checked for anything other than usual. And they came out pretty healthy, which both Angelo and I are happy about.

I had to get stitches, unfortunately because there was some tearing.

Alessandro was a big baby, which explained why it took so long for him to come out.
He was 8lbs and 2 ounces. Angela told me Angelo was actually a little bigger than that when he was born.

Now those are pictures I need to see so I can see the embarrassed look on his face as his mom shows me his baby pictures and I know she is more than willing to show.

I asked her about it and she said she has to do a little digging through their scrapbooks.

But anyway, Alessandro came out to be over 8 lbs and is so cute with his little rolls.

Alessandra, on the other hand, was 7 lbs and 5 ounces, not really small at all but smaller than her brother.
They both came out golden with a red tint.
They both have my dark brown eyes but they look beautiful on them. Clearly I have the more dominant genes.

It's been a few hours since they were born and things are pretty chill right now, besides my stomach pudge that is uncomfortable now that I am not longer harboring two big headed babies anymore. Guess it's loose shirts for now. I know my body isn't hideous but I'd feel more comfortable in a loose top that isn't too tight around the midsection.

An hour ago Alessandro got hungry and the nurse showed me how to breast feed him and soon after that I fed Alessandra, they're sleep right now and I'm glad because I get to rest even though our moms have been practically hogging them since they came out.

As soon as I was finally able to close my eyes...

Marco bursts through the door. "Are they here yet?" He said in his outdoor voice.
Angelo shushed him.
"Their ears are really sensitive so don't yell." He told him. Marco apologized and went over to my mom and Angela to see the babies.

"Can I hold one of them?" He asks anxiously.
"Wash your hands first and make sure you get inside those elbow creases." I mumbled, my eyes still closed. I heard water running after I said that.

I felt Angelo run his hands through my messy hair that curled up even more from sweating. Soon after that I fell asleep happy to be getting some rest.

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