Chapter 12 ☑️

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*Three weeks later*

Angelo has been showering me with gifts, letting me go anywhere I desire, not back to America of course, and he's been very cautious around me.

I still can't believe we didn't use any protection, I'm always careful. We stayed in the house a couple more days going at it like rabbits but I made sure he wore a condom because we couldn't have any more slip ups.

When I finally left the house when he went to work, I made sure to grab a Plan B, it had been about 3 days since the day we went unprotected and I'm honestly scared I waited too long. The package says to take it within 3 days but it can be taken up to 5 days after, but the longer you wait, the less effective it is.

With Andre I always made sure I took my birth control and he always wore condoms, so double protection, but I didn't have the pills with me when Angelo brought me here.

Right now I'm watching tv in the living room when I hear the door open and slam close. In walks Angelo and he looks really stressed out. His hair looked like he ran his fingers through it a thousand times and kind of has a saddened look on his face.

He sighs and finally noticed I'm in the room and instantly that depressed look disappears off his face and he slightly smiles.

"Hey baby" he walks to me and kisses me on the lips moving down to my neck.

"Hey are you okay?" I ask him pushing his shoulders back but he wouldn't budge.

I felt his tongue graze my neck and he only gave a muffled reply.

"Angelo" I said seriously.

He sighs and lifts up from my neck to look me in the eyes.
"What's wrong?" I ask him.

His eyebrows furrowed as if he was deep in thought.
"Nothing I just had a long day, but seeing you has made it better" He said.
"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" I asked him.
"Yes but I'm tired let's take a nap." He said and picked me up bridal style.

2 days later

Right now we're on a plane flying to California to go see my parents! I'm so excited!

"Babe stop moving you're giving me a headache." Angelo says grabbing my thigh. I'm practically bouncing in this seat, that's how excited I am.

" Sorry" I said.
" I'm just so excited to see them I haven't seen them personally since Christmas." I added.

" I know honey but I'm trying to work and your bouncing is a distraction" he told me downing the rest of his Campari.
I frown and sit back in my seat.

He looks at me and sighs.
He sits his laptop down and picks me up and set me on his lap.

"Don't be mad." He told me.

I roll my eyes and he grips my chin.

I turn to look at him and he puts his lips to mine and I kiss back with just as much passion.

The taste of liquor on his lips makes me nauseous and I break away from the kiss and run to the bathroom.

As soon as I come in contact with the toilet I empty my insides out.

I felt him pull my hair back.

As soon as I was done I flushed the toilet and rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash.
Before I can leave the bathroom Angelo grabs my waist.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked.


Whaaat??? As if this trope hasn't been in a million stories. Sorry y'all I don't mean to be cliche but it happens from time to time.

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