Chapter 37 ☑️

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Marco's room^


*2 weeks later*

It's been a couple weeks since we've had Marco with us and he seems to be enjoying himself.

While we were in Florida, Angelo had people come to our house in Cali to decorate a room on the same floor as ours for Marco.

He's obsessed with race cars and went crazy when he saw his room for the first time.

We also went to Disney World our last day there and it was fun but my feet hurt like hell nonetheless as Angelo predicted.

I still haven't heard from Tara which is good.

Right now I'm making lunch for Marco, and I can hear him playing with his toys from down here.

"Marco come eat!" I yelled up the stairs.

I heard his feet pattering down the stairs at lightening speed.
"Stop running before you hurt yourself your arm is still healing." I told him.
"Sorry." He said reaching on the counter and grabbed his cars plate.
"Thank you mama." He said.
"You're welcome." I smiled at him.
"When is papa coming home?" He asked.

"He's at work but he's coming back early today. When you finish eating we're going to the mall to get you some more clothes." I told him, he nodded.

We got him a few outfits to last him a little while but this time I'm taking him shopping for more than just a few outfits.
"How about this one?" I asked him holding up a shirt with a race car on it.
We're at Children's Place right now, which is probably going to be my favorite store to buy clothes for little kids.
He nodded his head and took the shirt placing it in Rico's arms since he was holding everything, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Ok you have enough shirts, you need pants now." I told him and we went to the pants section.
I bought him many jeans to go with his shirts and some extra pairs.

After paying for the shirts we went to kids footlocker to get him some shoes.

When we got inside the store he gasped, "mama look at these!" He yelled pointing to a red pair of Jordans.

"You like that shoe?" I asked him.
He nodded. "Can I get this one?" He asked.
"Sure but look for a few more." I told him and he looked around for some more he liked.

He looked for a few more pairs and I got him sized to see what size he would need for each shoe since some run small and some run big.

After he tried on his shoes I paid then we left.
It's about 4 o'clock right now Angelo should be leaving 'work' soon.

"Can I get another video game?" Marco asked.
"Maybe if you eat all your veggies tonight." I told him smirking.

He tapped his chin thinking for a few seconds.
"Hmm, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make." He said butchering the word sacrifice.

"Then I guess we have a deal." I said laughing.
"That we do, now we have to shake on it mama." He said holding out his tiny hand.

I shook it and soon after that we were on our way to game stop.

After getting him a few Mario Cart games for his Nintendo switch, I realized I needed to pick up a few things for dinner so I stopped at the nearest grocery store.

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