Chapter 23 ☑️

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The rest of the night went by smoothly and we all finally went to bed.

The next day when I woke up I felt a little light headed. My doctor said this would happen often if I was becoming dehydrated.

I turned to my side to wake Angelo up and make him get me a glass of water. I looked over to his side of the bed and frowned when I noticed he wasn't there.

Where the hell is he?

Just as I was about to get up I heard the door open.

There he was walking in with a tray.

"Our mothers cooked breakfast, you were sleeping so well I didn't want to wake you up. Here you go." he said putting the tray on the bed as I was sitting up.

"Thank you" I said, then I felt this throbbing sensation in my head.

I groan holding my head which alarmed Angelo. "You ok baby?"

"Yes I'm fine it's just a headache." I told him. He still had this look on his face like he wasn't going to let it go.

"Babe chill, it's just a migraine, everyone gets them including hungry pregnant ladies, now let me eat." I told him. He relaxed a little bit thankfully and said alright. I took that time to look at what was on the tray, which was a variety of breakfast foods. There was also a glass of orange juice on the tray.

I can tell what happened was that they cooked according to what everyone liked.

" Where are they so I can thank them?" I asked looking at him.

He shrugged. "They said they were going to shop for more groceries before they left, but I don't really know where they went exactly."

I nodded my head. They were only coming for Christmas but we told them all to stay the night so they wouldn't have to drive too late. They all had hotels booked for today.

As I was eating, Angelo left the room, claiming he had some extra paperwork to take care of.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled out.

My sister poked her head in.

"Hey is your body builder here?" she asked peeking around the room.

" No my body builder is not here." I said laughing.

She walked in and sat on the bed. I had already set the tray down on my night stand.

"We need to do something together." She said.

" Agreed I feel like we haven't seen each other in years." I told her.

" Yeah like I can't believe you got back together with him and I didn't know about you and him visiting the house and of course I wasn't there." She said throwing her hands up.

I laughed. "I told them to tell you I said hi, but yeah we definitely have to do something together."

She nodded. "And to top it off you're pregnant."

" Yeah I know this actually wasn't planned, but I'm happy nonetheless." I said.

"Oohh I got an idea, let's go to the mall. " she said excitedly.

"Sounds fun." I said.

"I'll go and get ready." She said and ran out of the room. I got up and went to the bathroom to get ready.

As I was putting on my earrings, Angelo walked in and closed the door.

"Where are you going?"He asked in his usually deep, baritone voice.

"To the mall with my sister, she wants to have a girls day before she leave." I told him.

He nodded. "Ok well take my card then." He reached into his pocket and got out his wallet and took out his card.

"Oh don't worry about it, thanks anyway." I told him pushing his hand back. Yeah I love it when he treats me but sometimes it feels good to treat yourself.

"No take the card, what's the point of having all of this money if I can't spoil my babies." He told me kissing my forehead.

"And I appreciate that but I don't need it right now, I probably won't buy much and besides I told Charlotte that our shopping was on me so I'm sure you don't want me to just be spending all of this money at once because you know how she is when she doesn't have to pay." I said rambling. He shut me up with a kiss.

" Just take the card Anna." He said.
"I told you I was fine but-" I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by Charlotte.

He chuckled.
Well someone was eavesdropping.

"Before the bedroom door goblin interrupted me I was going to say okay." I told him.

I took the card out of his hand.

I gave him a final kiss on the lips then grabbed my purse and put the card inside.

"Bye." I said and left.

"Buy something sexy!" I heard him yell.

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