Chapter 26 ☑️

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We're currently driving to the hospital for my check up.

Angelo parked the car in the spot closest to the door. I saw some black cars that were parked near by and they were also following us on the way here.

"Why were those cars following us?" I asked him feeling scared.

"They are here for our protection, don't worry you'll barely notice them." He told me and kissed my forehead. He got out of the car and came over to my side and opened the door for me.
I got out and he locked the doors and we walked into the hospital.
We saw the receptionist at the front desk.
"We have an appointment to see Dr.Jones, last name Russo." He said to the lady in a dull tone.

Could have been a little more cheerful but that's Angelo for you...
After doing something with the computer my name comes up and she tells us to sit in the waiting room.

We walked to the empty waiting room and sat down by the door they would be calling my name from.
"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you look today?" He asked.
"No but thank you." I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He turned his head before my lips can touch him, classic boy move, and I ended up pecking his lips.

"That was so elementary." I said laughing at him. His cheeks reddened a little.

"Your blushing!" I exclaimed laughing. "That's too cute." I said pinching his cheek. He put on an angry face and poked my side.

"I am not cute, I'm sexy get it right little girl." He said.
"Okay Mr.Geriatric." I said.
He chuckled.
Before he could say anything else, a nurse comes from the door and calls my name.

We stand up and follow her to a room.
"You can sit there, the doctor will be with you shortly." She said and left.

I sat on the bed and decided to just play on my phone for the meantime.

I felt a hand on my thigh slowly going up.
I grab it and squeeze it, I look up at him. "No." I sat sternly and let go of his hand.

He sighed and I went back to my phone, two minutes later I felt it again so I smacked his hand. "Stop it the doctor will be here soon." I told him.

"Fine." He sighed.

The doctor walked in and it was the same doctor from my last appointment, the one where Angelo freaked out at. She became my new doctor after Angelo's tantrum.

"Hello." She smiled at me.
"Hi." I greeted her back.
"Ok so I'm reading that you are here for a check up and an ultrasound?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"Ok well I was going to do the ultrasound anyway especially because this is your first pregnancy and we need to make sure there are no complications." She told me.

I nodded my head, I never really thought about that and the thought alone makes my heart race.

"Don't worry though from your last check up, I could see that the baby is fine but I still need to make sure nothings happened in the last month." She told me and I felt better.

"Ok so we're going to start off with your physical." She told me.

She told me to follow her to another room where my physical will take place.

After that we went to another room where she told me to sit in the chair.
"Ok so you're going to get a blood test." I groaned.

"I know but it has to be done." She said and got ready for the test.

The phlebotomist took my arm and cleaned the area she was going to be poking.
She slapped it a few times to get a vein to pop out. I hate this part more than the needle going in.

She took the needle and inserted it into my vein. I flinched a little because it was a sharp pain for a second. I didn't want to watch the blood flow through the tube because these children gave me a weak stomach and I refuse to throw up all over my new outfit.

A little while after that we were done and she took me back to the room.

Angelo looked up from his phone and smiled at me when we came back but frowned when he saw the band aid on my arm.

"Blood test" I told him. He nodded.
"Ok now I need a urine sample, take this cup and you can go in the bathroom right across the hall." She told me. I took the cup and left.
After peeing in the cup I brought it back to her and she took it and left the room.

A few minutes later she came back.
"Ok now we do the ultrasound" she said excitedly.

"Finally" I said.
"Lay back and lift up your dress." She said.
Good thing I wore shorts...

I laid back and lifted my dress revealing my stomach and black shorts.
I saw Angelo smile at the sight of my belly.
She rubbed the gel on my belly and moved the device around until she found the right spot.

"There is you baby, it seems to be fine, now let's listen to the heartbeat- oh!." She said.
"What is it?!" I asked and looked at Angelo who stiffened up.
"There's another one..." Dr.Jones said.
"Another one? How?" I asked.
"Sometimes both babies are not present or seen during the early stages. This one could've been hiding behind their sibling." She said.


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