Chapter 6 ☑️

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Italy? Seriously?
How could I have not noticed that we've traveled to Europe? Never mind that was a dumb question because clearly I was knocked out the whole time.

I look up getting ready to say something but then I noticed he's gone.

I'm left there on the bed thinking about my life now and I hear someone knock on the door.

Hoping it's Mr. Asshole so I can tell him off (Even though I know I don't have the guts to do that) I tell them to come in.

A woman who is dressed in a maid uniform walks in with a tray of food.

From here I can see all different types of foods. All of my favorite breakfast foods are incorporated in there as well.

" Here is your breakfast, Mrs.Russo." The maid says hesitantly as if she's not sure if she's saying the right words.

She puts the tray on the bed in front of me.

Oh so the food is for me- wait, did she just say mrs?

"Thank you but I'm not married, and you can call me Anna." I tell her politely. She looks frightened at what I said and shook her head.

"It's considered disrespectful for me to call you by your first name ma'am. " She says fearfully.

Are you serious.
That sounds dumb as hell.

"Ok then just call me... miss I guess?" I tell her but it sounded more like a question. She looked pleased with that name and nodded her head.

"What's your name?" I ask her because I can't keep calling her the maid.
" Isabella miss." She responds.
"Well it's nice to meet you Isabella." I smiled at her.
She smiles back and gives a little bow.

After that she left the room.

I grabbed the fork on the tray and began eating the food. Someone put their soul in this.
As soon as I got through a fourth of the tray my stomach felt like it was going to explode.

Me being the greedy person I am decided to eat the fruit bowl to.

I don't even get through with half of it before my stomach feels even more full so I push the tray aside.

I look on the night stand and see a remote.
I look around and there was no tv.

What does this remote go to?

I press a button and the wall started moving revealing a giant flat screen tv on the wall.

I thought about trying to open the door but I heard a lock click when the maid closed it so I know it's locked from the outside.

I switch on the TV and to my surprise it's on the English setting.
Well that's good to know, but where is a bathroom? I don't even know how long I've been sleep and I am in desperate need of a shower and toothpaste.

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