chapter 136-140

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Chapter 136
We then talked about how to do the rescue mission, nighteye's quirk. Then everyone went away except the people form our class and the big three, talking about if something went wrong, we'd need to stay behind to not get hurt.
Chapter 137
We then did the usual stuff, school and training. Two days later, we received a message that said today is the day we'll act. Inside the building, everybody was here. So we talked again about the localisation of the girl thanks to nighteye. And now we were in front of the house of the bad guys.
Chapter 138
Everyone was preparing themselves for the fight doing stuff like stretching your body talking to other people. Then a police man told us this:
- if you see even the slightest hint of suspicious behaviour or resistance, please deal with it immediately! Our opponents are Yakuza types who survived long enough to see this day, do I want everyone to fulfilling your roles to the utmost without letting your guards down a single second! Now move out!
So we started to go in. And big guy destroyed the door coming from the other side. Somebody who turned into a freaking dragon said he was gonna take care of it so we continued going in
Chapter 139
There were people trying to stop us but we disposed of them. Midnighteye then used a secret path that he saw using his quirk. There was a wall preventing us from going forward so me Midorya and Kirishima destroyed it. The path become destorted(don't know how to write that) and close the way. Mirio went right through it like a running man. The floor beneath us opened up and we fell right through the hole into a hall with three goons going on about how they were gonna beat us. Suneater then stood forwards and said he's the only one needed to stop them.
Chapter 140
He took them out with a multiple tentacles hand.
So we rushed forwards more

Short chapter but I don't have much time

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