chapter 96-100

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Chapter 96
Aizawa and all might came to my house to ask me and my dad one thing:
- do you want your son to stay there at a dormitory that the school is building?
- of course yes!
- ...
- by that I mean he'll be more secured than at home! And my mental illness make life pretty hard for him.
- dad...
- it's ok son, I know that life hasn't been kind to you since your mom's death because of how I reacted, by developing a case of violent OCD, sometimes I'd hit you for no other reason that I was sad... So I take this decision.
- thanks dad...

Chapter 97
Some real emotions shown by Midorya's mom.
Chapter 98
Well this is really huge for a dormitory, but after all we are a lot who'll be living here so it better be.
-first of all, class 1-A...what's more important than anything is that you all gathered together again safely
-the same goes for you sensei! I'm just relieved that you made it back here with us too. After watching the interview, I thought you might not be able to come back, I was really sad... Said Tsuyu.'s surprising to me as well. Well...a hell of a lot happened that's for sure. Now then...! I'm going to give you a quick briefing in regards to the dorms. But before that, just one thing... It's true that the plan was for you to earn your temporary hero licenses after the training camp. But you didn't get them. So why some of you were walking around acting like you did? What I'm about to say is important so listen up. Todoroki Midorya Kirishima Yaoyorozu Iida. You five were present on that evening at that place... You took it upon yourselves to proceed towards the site of bakugou's rescue.

What the hell?! They really did it?! The absolute madmen!

- from the looks of things, all of your class mates understand the weight of your behaviour in deciding to go there. A lot of of things have pigeon-holed in light of everything that happened, but I'll say this now. If it weren't for all might's sudden retirement... With the exception of Bakugou, jirou, and hagakure, I would have expelled all of you as punishment. For the five perpetrators I mentioned, it goes without saying, but... The same punishment applies for the other fourteen of you who were aware of their actions and did nothing to stop them. Regardless of the reason, the fact that you betrayed our trust doesn't change from now on, if you would do me a favor of following the established procedures and acting accordingly... I would very much appreciate it.. and it would certainly go a long way towards restoring my trust. That is all! Now, let's head in with smiles on our faces and lots of energy!

Uh could you wait a minute, I don't think we're ready after what you just said. Bakugou then took KAMINARI and took his money then gave it to Kirishima. What. The viril Guy then said he's gonna do a barbecue with this money to excuse himself from what he did and everybody accepted it.
- it's one class per building, boys and girls are separated by wing. The right wing for the girls and the boy's wing is on the right. However, the first floor is common space. The dining area, baths and laundry can be found here.

Wow it's awesome! Everybody expressed their joy to this view.
- your rooms are on floors two and above. On each floor there are two groups of four rooms; half for the boys, half for the girls, up to the fifth floor. You each get your own private room. Each comes with a AC unit, a bathroom, a refrigerator and a closet. It's quite luxurious if you ask me.

Damn it's big!
- the allocation of rooms are as you see here. The luggage we had each of you send beforehand has already been delivered to your rooms. For the time being, use today to get unpacked and arrange your living rooms. Tomorrow, I'll give you an explanation of how things are going to operate from now on. That is all, you're dismissed!
- yes sensei!

Now I need to unpack everything great...
Night time
The boys were all talking about how great it was to each get your own room and how this is gonna improve our relations between each others.
- are your rooms all set up boys~? Asked Mina
- yep now we're just relaxing answered kaminari
- so you know... We were talking and we've got a suggestion! Let's have a room show casing competition! How about it?!
Midorya then jumped towards his room but the girls where already looking inside and oh boy I can only say one thing: all might. Tokoyami's room wasn't much better. It's dark to a point where you have difficulty seeing! Aoyama's room is, as he say, dazzling. Then was mineta's turn. The girls simply skipped him and went to the third floor. Ojiro's room is simply normal, while iida's one is full of books. Kaminari's is just a mess of stuff found here and there. Then we did the rest, for my room they just thought it was ok, so at least they didn't said bad things about it. But I feel unsatisfied. Mineta then said it wouldn't be an equal thing if we didn't looked into the girls rooms and they accepted. Is this really ok?

Chapter 99
Kirishima's room is made to look viril as hell and it works! A punching bag and some weights here and there, no need for anything flashy. And shouji's one is simply the bare minimum, like a bed, a desk and that's it. Sero, as the relaxed yuck he is, has a hamac, as well as Asian like decoration. And Todoroki just went full Japanese with his bedroom. Alrighty then. Sugar man was baking a cake for the girls so he could win the competition, what a sold out. Then are the girls. Jirou's first so let's see. So she is a rock star... That's what I thought! Hagakure's room is girly but it's pretty. Ashido and Uraraka have pretty normal room, so does Jenī. And Momo has a giant bed that take most of the space.
And the winner is... Satou Rikidou! He won with the cake, no doubt about that.

The day after(damn smooth transition am I right?)
- as I mentioned yesterday, our objective will be earning professional hero licenses  for you all. Said Aizawa
- a hero license, in essence, grants you permission to directly intervene when people's life are at stake. This qualification carries an immense weight.     And this goes without saying, but the examination required to earn license is extremely strict. It is a professional license, but even having said that, the pass rate, year to year, is less than 5 percent.
- just for a professional license it's that tough? Asked Mineta
- and that's why, from today onwards, we'll be having each of you come up with at least two of YOUR VERY OWN SPECIAL MOVES!
damn finally some hero stuff but I already have my special move and with Jenī that's 5 moves with us two.
Chapter 100(finally!!!)
- that's right, super moves! In other words, killer techniques sure to win the day! Said the ghost guy
- and any such technique that's truly one with you admits no imitation. The meaning of battle lies in how you can push your uniques skills! Said cementos
- and your moves are your symbol! In this day and age, if you're a pro hero without any special moves, you're an endangered species! Exclaimed midnight.
- we'll tell you all the details alongside some demonstration processing in a logic manner. Go change into your costumes and assemble at gamma gym or what it's called now tdl.
They then explained what's going on and how to develop your super move.
-Does my 100 hands punch and my armor count as super moves? I asked
-yes it does but you need to work on them Aizawa responded
Then let's get to work!
-yes sir

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