chapter 6-10

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Chapter 6

Race 50m
Times Rukasu: 4.5seconds
Next test hand strength
Rukasu :519kg
Jenī: 737kg
Next test long jump
Jenī: potentially infinite because of propulsion
Next test: throwing
It was now my turn.
-100 hands... Throw!
The ball was sent flying through the air and ended it course at 1583 meters.
Then was Jenī's turn. She turned her right arm into a cannon and blasted the ball away. Target: 1094 meters. And she reached it.
Then was the boy who seemed like the typical hero fanboy. I wonder how he managed to get in there.
As he threw the ball, we realized one thing: it didn't went far at all.
- you can't control your quirk. Next time don't make me use mine. Aizawa said.
So he shot by controlling his power destroying his finger in the process
- sensei I can still move
Then Aizawa turned around and looked like a psychopath.

Chapter 7
This kid, Bakugo, rushed toward Midorya but at the last moment, Aizawa stopped him and have him a warning.
-so I'm gonna reveal your scores. Oh and this story about the last one leaving.
Everybody watched.
- it was all a trick to get the best out of you!
Everybody screamed.
After this "incident", every started to talk to each other, so I stayed with Jenī.
Then, we got back to each others home.
The week went as you'd expect it to go like, school was pretty boring until one day.

-I'm coming through the door like a normal person! said all might. You have test right now so go get your costumes!
Everybody screamed. Again. But now we were faster than before at realising what was going on so we were already up in our seats.
As we changed we realised what we now we were. We became heroes.

Chapter 8
- for this test the class will be separated between heroes and villains. The teams have been set already
(Rest of the chapter is for Bakugou and deku)

Watch in awe as bakugou and Midorya fight

Chapter 10
Still in awe as the fight ends

Chapter 10.5
I am with todoroki and the invisible girl and the other three are together.
- let me handle it. Said the cold dude
- hey you're not gonna steal the show! I said as I jump at the top of the building, locating the bomb at the same time. The bomb is in the fourth floor and is guarded by the three of them. As I transmitted the information, I saw ice starting to cover the floor. Damnit he was gonna steal the spotlight. Well he can have it, at least I did something useful. The three ennemies were now covered in ice but not fully, just enough to restrain their movement so todokori touched the bomb. And the invisible girl nearly got caught in the ice, ok.

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