chapter 31-45

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Chapter 31
*Skiping to page 17*
- look at these cheerleaders! Shouted present Mike at the commentary of the event. WHAT THE HELL, CLASS A?!!
Every girl were now in a cheerleading outfit and let's just say they were ashamed of themselves. So, naturally, I went to scold minetta but Jenī stopped me before I could and said that it is fine and pretty fun! So I stopped in my track and went back to my place.

Chapter 32
There was something wrong with Ojiro, he kept shacking in his boots. He then ask if he could not be in the tournament and explained why and so did another student, at least that's what I think is going on.
- so it means the 5th team is gonna be in the final tournament! Said Midnight.
- we'd like to let our place be for team tetsutetsu, because they kept fighting with all their strength and weaknesses even if they were at their lowest. I said
- I'm perfectly fine with that! Said Jenī
- Ok then in this case the tournament still has 16 contenders (always wanted to put this word somewhere). Now let's enjoy some free time!
As the free time passes the matches starts
Author's note: same as the noumu Vs all might, my characters doing absolutely nothing in it, I'm not going to write it down so let's skip some chapters here and there.

Chapter 44
On the podium stood fumikage, Todoroki and Bakugou, who was restrained, preventing him to hurt the number two.
All might jump into the arena with the medals, then congratulated the winners and gave them tips and their quirk to improve themselves and distributed the medals.
Back to school Aizawa told us that tomorrow and the day after it were free.
-I'm going to organise all your nominations by the pros and present them after the pause. Take care of you all.
I told my dad I was gonna be late tonight because I was gonna be eating something with Jenī and he congratulated two times, one for being a man, and the second for having been placed so high in the sport festival.
- I am proud of you son.. he said while sobbing in happiness.

Chapter 45
On my way to school, I've been recognised by some people in my street but nothing too serious, they asked me how I was doing in school and how everything was going on. As I arrived in the classroom, everybody was talking about how it felt great to be seen as a hero by random people.
I noticed Aizawa was going through the hallway so I rushed to my sit and so did everybody. Tsuyu was happy that he could finally take of his bandages.
He responded that the nursing lady exaggerated.
- but let's put that aside. Today, the hour dedicated to informatique is a bit special.
- oh no... everybody was thinking
- it's time to choose your code names. Your hero names
He then talked about how it was better if we already had a hero that could teach us something, but it was just the first in a long line of steps.
- now here are your nominations.
I only have one but hey, at least it's something, most people don't have any.
- the name you'll chose today will be the name you'll be recognised with from now on. In most cases, they stay even when you are a pro hero!! Midnight said.
They talked about how the name and the person must be alike.
The first one was laser kid and he chose... I CANNOT STOP TWINKLING?! Ok something is wrong with him.
Then was Mina with ALIEN QUEEN?! From the horror movie!? Not accepted!
Next was tsuyu and she went for... Froppy. A normal name finally, I though it was gonna be a test of references. It was Kirishima turn and it was Red Riot. Pretty cool if you ask me. He then said it was a reference to crimson riot the pro hero from some time ago.
Jenī chose xj9, as she was the 9th sister in a family if heroes.
Everybody then chose a super hero name, as I had no idea I simply did the same as shouto, I used my real name.
Then Midorya chose deku. Cool yet simple.
Bakugou's turn, is he gonna choose a stupid name again? Yep: baron of explodo-kill

Should I do a presentation on Jenī the same way I did for Rukasu? tell me in the comment!

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