chapter 111-115

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Chapter 111
The attack at the south is getting taken care of as I see ice and violent wind coming from there. On our side is the hero is named mystical being. His quirk is to turn into mythical animals that are approximately his size or turn his arms into behemoth's ones. It's gonna be tough.
Chapter 112
He turned his head into a dragon one to throw fire at us but he failed to touch us so we do our special move. Jenī cover me with her body while I cover us into my armor, creating something of both machine, man and power, and we punch...

Chapter 113He protect himself with those nasty behemoth arms but what we did was just a basic punch and now we were preparing for a rocket powered one

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Chapter 113
He protect himself with those nasty behemoth arms but what we did was just a basic punch and now we were preparing for a rocket powered one. So we hit and he fall unconscious due to the massive force the punch had behind it. Now to take care of the henchmen, now that gonna be easier. First separate ourselves. Second blast them with overwhelming force. Lastly, go back to saving people.
- ahem, ehm, we're now announcing that since all of the stationed hucs have been evacuated out of the danger zone. As such, do pardon us, but we shall be taking the liberty of ending the provisional license exam here. It's all over!!!
Right, so now to rest a bit, talk then see how we did.
- after the final tally, we shall present the pass/fail results at this very site. Those who are hurt, go to the infirmary... Everyone else, change your clothes and stand by.
Some time passes by
- hello, everyone. Thanks you all for your efforts, you are to be commended for holding out for so long. Now, we shall be showing the results...but before that a word. Regarding the grading method... We at the public safety commission and all the huc combined forces observed you through two different perspective, docking points were it seemed necessary. In other words.. we based our judgement on how well you were able to conduct yourselves without any mistakes in a time of crisis. Those of you who passed will be listed in alphabetical order. Please check to make sure your name is on the list.
Come on come on come on... YEAH I PASSED FUCKING YES!!!! I mean yes of course I passed what else could have happened. But Bakugou and Todoroki didn't pass...
Chapter 14
- ehem, yes, well, has everybody had a chance to check whether they're up there? Now we'll be distributing your individual printout, they contain information about your evaluation, so please peruse them. We marked your performance on a declining scale, with 50 points as the borderline for passing. If you look closely at your sheets, the particulars on your actions received demerits are neatly listed.
I got 85 points and didn't have more because they thought I could help more while supporting the building, the fools don't know our limitations.
- how did you do Jenī?
- hummm 93...
- holy macaroni that's awesome
- Calm down you're hurting my ears
- sorry
Then the presentator said the weigh of those license, how to correctly use them, and the hole that all might left in the hero society.
Chapter 115
About twice

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