chapter 76-80

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Still Jenī's pov
Chapter 76
(Deku Vs muscular was well choreographed, don't you think?)
Chapter 77
(Aizawa Vs the dabi clone.)
We are waiting and Rukasu is still unconscious so I stay next to him, trying to take the poison of his blood and put it in a jar.
-By the power engaged by eraserhead, you have permission to fight! Said a telepathic voice.
So I start to go outside, not before putting some automatic sentries that detect if the person is good or bad.
Chapter 78
The target of the bad guys is Kachan okay then let's find him. First fly high, second look with a radar, third go to him. As I arrived I realize it's the wrong person. Damnit, why doesn't he have a different signature than other people! Wait...signature...heat...explosions! I need to look for explosions. But with the fire and the fog, I can't detect this kind of thing. So let's go toward all the signature and help them. Wait what's this noise? A shot from a gun. Damnit, I don't have a lot of power left after all the training so I should not really fly. Why didn't I saw this earlier!
Chapter 79
So I run and run until my feets hurts, I should really walk more often rather than fly to my destination. And the fog faded away it seems, this is good news.
Chapter 80
Still running but I found where he was thanks to a massive heat source that quickly disappeared, the signature of an explosion, so I'm going toward the last point were it was.

Short but I don't know what else to write, so, sorry

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