chapter 26-30

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Chapter 26
And then Midorya took the head of the race and used a second explosion to boost himself forward and won
Midnight: so here are the results
And then some extras (author's note: lolllll)
- and now for the second test!
Damnit we can never rest here or what
- and it is the human cavalry!!
What the hell is this? After she explained everything I understood what we were gonna do.
- and of course the place you arrived in the previous test will determine the number of point you are! But the first one is gonna be worth ten millions points!!!
Ten millions, not ok gotta concentrate on the worthless one's.

Chapter 27
She kept explaining the rules (autor: go check the anime or the scans if you want them, I'm to lazy to do it).
- you got 15 minutes to determine your partner good luck!
I naturally turned to Jenī and found out she did the same, after all, we're friends even in competition, at least for now.
- let's be together for now ok? She said
- of course yes! So who are you gonna be? I'll be on top of you so I can better control what's going on with my arms.
- ok let's get ready to rock!

Chapter 28
Rukasu 195points
Jenī 190 points
Total 385 points

After only two minutes of the game, our total went to 500 point by not getting touched thanks to me and Jenī. We are a fortress: my "arms" protect the down and the front while she take care of the back and the sky.
The left and right side are protected by the both of us.
-6 minutes left!!!

Chapter 29
We kept doing this technique because it was working, nobody stole our bandana and we kept taking more and more, now Jenī could hardly see anything with all the low tiers she had on her face so we concentrated on the defensive, not by choice but by necessity.

Chapter 30
30 seconds left
Just one more was all we needed to be in the top four but we were happy with what we had.
20 seconds left
10 seconds left
We got one! No it's the five points one!
-Finished!!! Now the results: first is team Todoroki, second is team Bakugou, third is team shibsou?! When did he get so many points!! And fourth is team Midorya!! The next event is gonna take place in one hour after a eating session. See you later!!
- NO! I said. Only 60 points and we would have won
- it's ok Rukasu, let's see the matches and then let's eat together!
-o-ok, let's do this! *Blushes*

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