chapter 81-85

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Chapter 81
Still Jenī's pov
According to my captors, Rukasu is still sleeping like a baby. This poison must be really strong but not enough to put someone into a coma, we are really lucky.
As I keep running, I look to my right and see that the pussycats managed to stop some villains. So now to find Bakugou.
Chapter 82
Wait there's a break into the wall in the house. I'm seeing this through a camera that I put out there to make sure everything is alright. It's a villain! But he soon was stopped by the teacher of class B. But he said they already captured the objective. It's really bad. Finally found the heat signature of a group and there's two small balls of heat that are there. Do the ennemy have a quirk that allow them to capture people easily? No time to think about it, what I must now do is go towards them. What? A massive fireball? Not countered by anything?! I need to go fast! And all the noise in the house woke up Rukasu, he needs to stay there in his state, he'll not be able to protect himself or anyone else. Now there's ice! So Todoroki is there and fighting somebody. The leaders of the group? A weird signal just appeared, it's same signature as when they invaded the usj. The portal dude must be here to take them home! Faster!
Most signatures then disappeared... damnit!
Chapter 83
Absolute defeat. it's what I'm gonna start to describe this feeling. 15 students were in critical state, 11 injured, 13 clean, 1 disappeared. It's bad, really bad. One of the pussycats was hit on the head and one other disappeared.
The day after, parents and people came to protest against this, putting the school in a very delicate situation. There is something fishy about this. Maybe there is a traitor among us?
After I did again an analize of the gaz, i found out there was a secret particular that's charged to put people into a coma, why didn't I found this sooner!
Rukasu's pov
Jenī was still thinking about what went down and processed all the information she could find on the internet at an incredible speed.
(In the hospital where Midorya is.)
After this we all went to see how Deku was doing, I mean he is by far the most injured out of all of us. We were talking normally until todokori talked about Kachan. Kirishima then ignited. He started talking louder and louder until he nearly screamed, saying that Bakugou was still in our reach and that we should save him.
Chapter 84
We then talked about the why and the how we should save him, talking about the fact we don't have the authorisation to fight anymore, saying that if we acted now, we wouldn't be so far from being villains.
-sorry to interrupt you but it's time for his check-up said a nurse.
Do we all left him there, feeling bad.
Chapter 85
After they told us their plan, we tried to stop them but it was no use: they were determined.
After some time, I was watching the TV with my dad and what we saw froze us completely: there were Aizawa vladking, and the principal all presenting there excuses and answering questions about the incident.

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