chapter 101-105

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Chapter 101
Four days later still at the training zone
Tokoyami managed to surround himself in dark shadow nearly creating an armor out of it. Mine however is only getting stronger, as I can now create up to 120 hands but I can only do simple things with a great number as I have to think what each and every one of them do. Meanwhile, Jenī managed to perfect her rocket barrage and her giant fist. Oh look there's all might, his gonna get crushed by a boulder! Wait izuku already took care of the problem, ok then.
Chapter 102
Everybody gathered around all might to see if he was fine, even tho it's obvious that he is.
-tile's up, class a!! Shouted Vlad king. Today we arranged for class b to use tdl this afternoon! So make hast outta here, eraser.
-we've still got a few minutes left. Not very good at making the most of the time alloted. Our teacher responded.
We then looked at Monoma's costume and started laughing quietly. Aizawa then explained that both classes are not gonna be in the same exam so that they can't crush on another. Vlad king then said the same thing in a different way.
Timeskip to night time, Jenī's pov
We were talking about about the training and how tiring it is and that there is less than a week left before the license exam. Then Mina asked Ochaco if she fell in love and she starting floating. After some time I knew there next target would be me so I straight up said I like Rukasu so they can't judge me on that. The most incredible part is that they didn't even made a negative comment, they just said it was a good choice and that he was cool. We'll he's more than cool...
Timeskip, the day of the exam, Rukasu's pov
We were now near the exam center, and were all questioning whether or not we would be able to get the listen, at that moment, Aizawa told us that if we managed to do this we'd become semi-pros
Kirishima: say it with me now"PLUS..
???: ULTRA!!!
Who the fuck is he and why did he said it with us?! He then presented his apologies and Aizawa told us that maybe he's stronger than todokori.
Chapter 103
A crazy lady then asked Aizawa to marry him and we discovered she's the teacher of a class too. They asked us for our autograph but one dude that seemed friendly was hiding something bad from us. He's gonna be a huge ennemy.
We then were put in a room full of students, some older and some younger but most of them was around our age.
- there are 1540 examinees you'll be vying for victory all at once. said the presentator. In the present age, in our so-named"hero taturated" society there has been no shortage of voices raising doubt over the state of heroics since stains apprehension. But if you ask me... Regardless of their motives , telling people who've risking their lives out there to save people not to want anything in return... It's hard not to think that'd be a bit merciless, given the realities of the modern world..
They then explained how the exam are gonna go. I put the targets on my heart, head and knee, vital points in a fight.
3 wait already 2 let's go and fast 1 wait are they all aiming at my class START this is gonna be hard
They all fires at us at the same time so we had no other choice than to defend but none of our targets were struck by the balls.
Chapter 104
Nobody as been put down or up after the first assault it mean if we keep defending, they'll have no more balls left and we'll be able to attack. Or we can just rush in and win, which is a bad but fun plan.
- 120 went out!! By a single person who pass the first part of the test
Damn already, we need to get a move on and fast.
Chapter 105
I noticed a group that wasn't moving much so I Stealth my way through them touching 2 of them completely, preventing them from moving by using my hands, making me win the exam.

Next chapter is Jenī's fight for the license.

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