Chapter 20

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This is the last chapter of this book

Chapter 20: The Red Berries

          To say the clan had been quiet was an understatement. Windclan had recently paused their attacks and Shadowclan hadn't been making any threats. Firestar was worried, for he knew something would break the temporary peace. They had gotten their kits back, including Icekit, who had been brought back from Riverclan territory by Silverstream. Sandstorm had now become the overprotective mother who won't let her kits out of her sight. Which was understandable. Her kits had been stolen right from under her nose. 

          Firestar padded away from his deputy, Hawkrunner. They had been discussing matters of what they would do should Windclan's threats arise once more. It wasn't easy to live like this, in constant fear of something happening, realizing that any minute your whole world could fall apart. Firestar had been stressed, he hadn't slept well these days and everyone knew. Cats tried to be understanding, and give their leader space when he needed it. Firestar kept going despite his exhaustion. He never let his emotions or anything he felt disturb how he ran his clan.

          Firestar smiled as he watched Icekit, Amberkit, and Willowkit playing outside the nursery. Cloverkit and Dawnkit were talking at the side next to sandstorm. He loved his kits dearly. Each one was so unique and beautiful. The sparky Amberkit, the shy Cloverkit, the energetic Willowkit, the sweet Dawnkit, and the determined Icekit. He was confident they would be great warriors, they held potential after all. But he was worried Tigerstar would use them against him, they had already been taken once. He didn't want to risk losing them again.


          Seeing everyone so excited when she returned to camp had made Icekit feel better. Maybe she did have a place here, or at least with her siblings. And even if cats didn't like her, Amberkit was right in a way. She was the leader's daughter, Firestar would never kick her out, ever.

          Icekit played with her siblings, laughing as Amberkit got frustrated whenever Icekit would beat her. 

          "You two have to chase me now!" Icekit screeched, running away from Willowkit. Willowkit pounced, only missing her by a paw length. 

          "Ha! Can't catch me!" Icekit teased. She weaved past the warriors who were returning from patrol. Willowkit was hot on her heels. Amberkit had disappeared in the other direction. Icekit sprinted past other warriors, glancing back at her sisters and noticing Amberkit had started to catch up to her on her left. She was prepared for Amberkit to pounce but instead, she skidded to a halt with eyes wide. Before Icekit could question her sister she found herself hurtling into a large cat. Willowkit had stopped running and now stood next to Amberkit and Icekit. Icekit looked up at Mapleclaw, Hawkrunner, and her father. She had run into the legs of the ginger warrior, Mapleclaw. 

          "S-sorry" Icekit sneaked out. Mapleclaw intimidated her. She was never fond of kits, everyone knew that. Mapleclaw glared but just looked up to Firestar. 

          "Control your kits," she meowed before walking off to where Redhawk and the senior warriors sat. At first, Icekit wondered why she would dare talk to her leader like that. But she remembered that Mapleclaw was in fact older than him. It occurred to the young kit that her father was quite young to be a leader. Most of the senior warriors were older than him, and Redhawk was his father. He had become leader faster than most cats become deputy. It made her proud to think she had such a successful father. That is until he turned to face them, a stern look on his usually calm face. 

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