Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Gone But Never Forgotten

          The heavy rain soon turned into icy snow, swirling fast and out of control. 

          "At this rate, the whole camps will be covered in no time," Beechstar sighed, pacing back and forth through her den anxiously. Fireheart watched the snow continue to pile up in the camp, Beechstar was right. The dens would eventually collapse from the amount of snow and the whole camp would be buried. 

          "We have to evacuate, get to higher ground. We aren't safe here," Fireheart meowed to his leader. Beechstar wasn't keen on the idea, no cat should step into a storm like this. But at this point, she knew they had no choice. 

          Beechstar bounded down the rocks and to the warrior's den, she directed the warriors in what was going on and told them the plan. Everyone began to leave the den, heading to the other dens to get everyone out safely. The snow was coming down harder and harder each second. The cats struggling through the icy cold powder, coats blowing in the wind. Fireheart stayed at the back of the group, making sure everyone was leaving safely, or as safely as they could. 

          Fireheart saw Beechstar disappear into the warrior's den, which had a sufficient amount of snow piled on top. The den began to creak under the weight of all the snow. Fireheart looked at the tree above the den, loose snow threatening to fall from its branches at any point, burying the den completely. If that snow fell, the den could cave under the pressure. Fear ran through the ginger warrior as he watched the branches swaying. He struggled against the icy cold winds as he squeezed his way into the warrior's den. Beechstar was in the corner, coaxing the shivering Lilypaw from the frozen nest. A harsh wind sent the snow from the tree falling onto the den roof. The den started to crack, groaning under the weight. 

          "We have to get out of here," Fireheart meowed, "This den is about to collapse." He nudged Lilypaw to her feet and forced the young apprentice ahead of him as parts of the roof began to cave inwards. He and Beechstar exchanged a glance before rushing towards the exit themselves. They had almost made it when a defining crack of a tree branch and the sound of tons, and tons of snow dropping onto the den split the air, dread-filled Fireheart's entire body and there was no time to yell a warning. He sprinted as fast as he could, he just reached the entrance when he was buried, snow surrounding him. 

          Fireheart could still breath, he realized. He opened his eyes and notice the had made it to the den's entrance, which happened to be reinforced and managed not to cave under the snow. His back half was buried in the snow, but not crushed, his front half was free. Fireheart clawed at the snow blocking his exit, he had no idea how long this would hold. He clawed until he saw light and the snow parted. 

          Fireheart used his front paws to pull himself from the snow. His lungs were screaming from the cold, icy air. Once Fireheart was out he sighed a breath of relief, he had made it. His relief was quickly replaced by overwhelming fear, Beechstar had been behind him. Fireheart whipped around, the sight was dreadful. A large branch had snapped, now hanging limply from the tree. A few twigs stuck out from the large snowdrift in front of him, but other then that there was no sign a den had ever been there. It was completely buried. 

          Fireheart turned to Lilypaw. "Go to the abandoned two-leg nest, don't worry about me. Keep yourself safe," he yelled to the scared apprentice. The wind muffling his voice slightly but Lilypaw seemed to get it. She nodded before struggling through the snow, which reached all the way to her belly. Fireheart raced towards what had once been the den and desperately dug through the snow, he couldn't lose his leader. Not yet, he wasn't ready. He dug until his claws met fur. Desperately, held onto the fur as he pulled the body up from the snow. The pale leader gasped as air reached her, before sending herself into a coughing fit. Blood splattered onto the snow as she coughed, she gasped in pain before looking up at her deputy. 

          "Fireheart," she meowed, her voice was hoarse and desperate. Her eyes droopy and strained, "You will make a great leader." The pale cat coughed once more. The pain was evident in her eyes. Fireheart felt his throat constrict painfully.

          "No please, you can't die. I still need you!" he wailed. He felt helpless, weak. It was like when he had lost Bluestar. Beechstar smiled at him, he could tell it was painful but she did it anyway. 

          "It's my time, I must join my ancestors in Starclan. I trust you Fireheart, lead this clan with the pride in which you lead your first." Despite her obvious pain, she still maintained the same spark and kindness she held. Her eyes continued to have the same twinkle of life and hope. But Fireheart watched as the twinkle died, and her chest slowed, letting out one last breath before halting. 

          Fireheart buried his muzzle into her soft fur and suddenly the cold was nothing compared to his grief. Beechstar was gone. Beechstar had become a figure of hope for him, someone he could trust, a mother figure. She had become a Bluestar to him, a strong, confident, and wise leader. Fireheart only hoped he could do her proud. He wanted to stop Tigerclaw. No, he needed to stop Tigerclaw. For Sandstorm, for his kits, for Bluestar, for Jumpclaw, and for Beechstar. Fireheart stood, dragging the limp body from the snow mound. He had to get to the abandoned two-leg nest, the clan needed to know. They needed the chance to mourn their lost leader.


    The clan was shocked at the discovery of their dead leader. Sandstorm had been horrified when Fireheart came in, carrying the limp body of Beechstar. Now they all sat around their leader, muzzles buried in her soft, glossy fur. Tomorrow they would have a proper burial, and Fireheart would depart to get his nine lives. 

          Fireheart remembered his last nine lives, and the pain he went through. Was he ready to do that again? Was he ready to become the leader he once was? He wasn't sure, but he didn't want to let his clan down.


          Morning came and the storm had finally stopped, Fireheart removed his muzzle from Beechstars pelt as the medicine cats took her body away to prepare her for the burial. Fireheart knew his clan was counting on him now, they had lost their leader. He was the leader now, he would be the one to bring them out of their dark times. Tinybreeze approached him, carrying a bundle of herbs in her jaws. 

          "It's time Fireheart, you must receive your nine lives," she explained. Fireheart nodded, though curious as to why she had travelling herbs, Fireheart knew he could not eat them. His question was answered when Mapleclaw approached. Tinybreeze beckoned at Mapleclaw to eat the herbs. She didn't seem happy about it, but she did. Fireheart frowned.

          "Is Mapleclaw coming?" he asked, confused. Usually, it was only the medicine cat and the leader who went when Fireheart would receive his lives. Tinybreeze nodded, 

          "With the storm that just happened Leafdrop thought it would be best if we brought a warrior along, she will stay outside the moonpool though. She will not accompany us while the ceremony is taking place," she explained. Fireheart excepted her explanation and they began their travel. The piles of snow and fallen branches made it hard to navigate the territory, but soon they were crossing Windclan's moor as they headed to the moonpool. They found no trouble along the way and easily made it to their destination. Mapleclaw waited outside as Fireheart and Tinybreeze entered the cave. The pool was shining beautifully and Fireheart crouched down at the water's edge. Tinybreeze took her place beside him and then he slowly lapped up the water. Fireheart closed his eyes, knowing he would soon be with Starclan. After what seemed like forever he finally opened his eyes. And sure enough, he stood on Starclan territory. Cats from all times surrounding the deputy. But two cats caught his attention, two cats he had cherished, the cats he had watched as the light faded from their eyes recently. Jumpclaw and Beechstar.

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