Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: They Way a Heart Beats

     Rainsky walked through the woods, searching for the flame-coloured tom she had come to like. She knew he was hunting hear here. She spotted a lick of ginger fur through the trees. 

         "Fireheart!" she called. The vole Fireheart has been stalking retreated into the safety of the tree roots. Rainsky winced, feeling guilty for making him lose his kill. 

        "Mouse dung!" Fireheart cursed.

        "Sorry," Rainsky apologized. Fireheart wasn't too bothered. It was irritating but she didn't do it on purpose. 

         "It's alright, I'll find another," Fireheart said. Rainsky's heart beat loudly in her chest, he was just so kind. 

        "I just needed to tell you something," she meowed nervously. She couldn't stand not having him know anymore. She needed to tell him how he felt. 

         Fireheart tilted his head. 

         "Yes, alright?" He asked curiously. He had been noticing something different about how Rainsky acted recently around him. She seemed, shyer. He wondered if it had to do with whatever she wanted to tell him. Rainsky looked into his caring green eyes. 

         "Fireheart, I like you," she stated strongly. 

       Fireheart had not expected that. Looking back, it made sense. But at the same time, he hadn't even thought that could possibly be it. He didn't know how to reply, and as the silence drew on Rainsky grew disheartened. 

          "I  need to think," Fireheart muttered. He fled the scene, feeling rather foolish. He didn't want to hurt Rainsky but he knew he loved Sandstorm, for all the moons to come. 


          Fireheart was lost in thought, streaking through the trees and just letting his paws take him where they wanted to go. He saw a flash of fur through the trees a moment before he ran headfirst into another cat, sending them sprawling into the dirt. 

        "Fireheart," a warm, shocked voice called, "What where you're going." Fireheart recognized the sound of her voice, as well as her smell. He'd know her smell anywhere. 

        "Sorry, Sandstorm," Fireheart pulled himself to his feet, licking his chest fur in embarrassment. Behind them, Jumpclaw, Cherryfire, and Sunmask were snickering. 

        "Fireheart, you came out of nowhere!" Sunmask exclaimed. 

        "It was quite amusing," Jumpclaw laughed. Fireheart thought this day couldn't get more embarrassing for him. "You can join our patrol if you'd like," Jumpclaw adds. Fireheart agreed, anything to get his mind off the situation with Rainsky. 

        A breeze rustled through the trees and Fireheart caught a whiff of a strange smell.  A cat scent. The others clearly smelt it as well, as they all sniffed the air. 

       "Must be a kittypet," Cherryfire observes. Jumpclaw follows the scent to a bush. 

       "Smells like it," he agrees. 

       "Not much of a threat then," Sunmask snickers, "I can't imagine a lumbering kittypet could do anything to us." He has a point, Fireheart knows this, but it still bothers a part of him. He may be clan born in this life, but he still considers himself to be born a kittypet. He is and will always be the person he was in his first life. He was only reborn to help his clan once more. 


       The patrol continued uneventfully and Fireheart opted to stay out in the forest instead of returning back to camp. 

        "Fireheart?" Fireheart turned, his former mentor was walking towards him. He sat down beside the flame-coloured warrior. 

        "Everything alright? You seem agitated today." Fireheart wondered if he should tell Jumpclaw about the situation with Rainsky, perhaps he'd have some advice. Although this wasn't Fireheart's first time dealing with a love triangle, Spottedleaf was dead before Fireheart actually had to choose. Not that there was a choice, Rainsky was only a friend.

       "You know my mate is Sandstorm," he started. Jumpclaw gave him an odd look but nodded because, yes, he did indeed know that. 

       "Well," Fireheart hesitated, "Rainsky just told me that she has feelings for me. Obviously, I don't see her in that way. But she's also my friend and I don't want to hurt her." He sighed, looking at Jumpclaw with wide, desperate eyes. 

       "Should I just tell her I like Sandstorm? Or like-" Fireheart stops. He doesn't know what he's trying to say anymore. There a momentary silence before Jumpclaw finally speaks up. 

        "You should tell her that you like Sandstorm, yes, just be cautious. And, give her space afterward. She may need some time to get over her feelings for you and being around you will only hurt," he admits. Fireheart realizes he's right. 

       "Yeah, thanks Jumpclaw." Fireheart stands, stretching his limbs. He looks through the trees, "I'll go find her." He starts off, sniffing the air for her scent. He catches it fairly quickly on the wind and follows it all the way to the edge of the lake where Rainsky is sitting on the bank. He stood a ways back for a bit, the wind blowing towards him stops her from smelling his presence. She also seems to be lost in thought. 

       Fireheart is nervous, oddly. He approaches Rainsky, trying to make some noise so she hears him. He sits beside her and the she-cat still doesn't acknowledge him. 

         "Rainsky," he sighs, "Listen." Rainsky can feel the rejection coming from a mile away, she already knew it when he ran away from her like a scared mouse. 

        "What is it," she spat. Fireheart winced at her bitter tone, he'd messed up. 

        "I didn't want to hurt you, that's why I panicked. I see how that it was a dumb thing to do, I'm sorry," he started. Rainsky stayed silent, waiting for Fireheart to continue as she sensed he wasn't done. "I do care about you," he insisted, "Just not in the same way you care about me. Truthfully, I have feelings for someone else." Rainsky flinched, finally feeling the sting of the rejection. She looked over at Fireheart, it physically hurt to look into his eyes. They were so kind and sympathetic. And Rainsky couldn't even be mad, because it's not like Fireheart could control who he liked. And her was being so nice as well, he didn't want her to be heartbroken. Though he should have known it always hurts to be rejected, no matter how nice somebody is. 

        "Who is it?" She at least wanted to know who it was that had Fireheart's- Well... heart.

          "Sandstorm," Fireheart admitted. Rainsky won't lie, that stung. Knowing her sister was the reason she was rejected. But, sandstorm deserved happiness too. She deserved to be loved, and Fireheart was an amazing tom. She could never have asked for a better mate for her sister. If they were mates that is, she had no idea if Sandstorm liked him as well. 

        "I'm sorry," Fireheart meowed. Rainsky smiled through the pain in her chest, 

        "It's not your fault. Sandstorm is a great cat," she admitted. A dopey expression overcame Fireheart's face and Rainsky could see just how much he liked Sandstorm. There was no part of her that could hate him for being in love. 

        "You'll find the right cat someday," Fireheart whispers to her, "and when you do, you'll be the best mother." He lives her a small lick behind her ear and retreats, leaving her alone by the side of the lake with her thoughts. 

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