Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: The Lost, The Broke, The Defeated

          One moon past and Windclan's threats continued. Border patrols rarely returned from Windclan territory without scratches, and there had been many larger fights between the two clans as well. Thankfully, no cats from either clan had died yet. Some serious injuries, of course, but no deaths. Firestar could only hope he could settle this dispute before more cats lost their lives because of it. He had tried to talk to Hazelstar a few times but she was blinded by hatred. 

          Luckily for Firestar, Whitefall, the Windclan deputy, seemed like he was against this war as well. If they were lucky Whitefall would convince his leader to put a stop to it. But something told Firestar that Hazelstar wouldn't give in so easily. To add to the pressure, the harshness of the leaf-bare hasn't wavered, snow currently covered the ground and the herb stocks had gone low with all the battles they were fighting.

          "Hawkrunner!" Firestar called as he padded through the clearing. The new Thunderclan deputy stumbled forward. 

          "Yes Firestar?" she questioned, her voice wavered, showing Firestar she was nervous. Firestar smiled reassuringly. 

          "Have the patrols been sent out?" He asked. Hawkrunner nodded firmly. "Anything to report?" Hawkrunner shook her head. She had adapted quickly to being deputy. Although she was still a little nervous, she had quickly gotten the hang of it. 

          The icy wind blew through Firestar's fur as he watched the sun creeping higher into the sky. The Windclan border patrol should be returning soon, Firestar thought. As if on cue five cats emerged from the cold, frozen tunnel. Cherryfire, Redhawk, Vinebelly, Sootraven, and Lilypaw. 

          The five approached the Thunderclan leader, all looked tense and agitated. 

          "Firestar." Vinebelly greeted, his voice held a tone of urgency. Firestar knew immediately from his tone that they had something to report, something that wouldn't make him happy. 

          "Vinebelly, what do you have to report?" the ginger leader was slightly nervous to hear what Windclan was now up too. Hazelstar had gotten out of control. As much as Firestar would have liked to stop the fighting, he realized that fighting might be the only option. As much as he hated it, he wasn't seeing many other ways. But he would keep trying, he wouldn't fight unless he had too.

          "Windclan border patrols have started marking on our side of the river." Vinebelly started, his tail lashing back and forth in anger. 

          "We should fight! They're trying to take our territory!" Sootraven growled, his dark eyes storming with anger. Firestar shook his head at the tom whom he had grown up beside. They had never gotten along. Sootraven had been cold to Firestar since the day they met. Firestar internally sighed, as much as he hated to say it Sootraven was right. They had crossed the line, literally. For once Firestar realized, he had to fight for his land, for his territory. Thunderclan needed the hunting space. 

          "As much as I wish there was another way, Sootraven may be right," he declared, "Hazelstar has made it clear she will not be swayed by words." The cats around him nodded in agreement, on most of the Warriors you could still see faint scratches and wounds caused by the many battles between the two neighbouring clans.


          The Warriors crouched in the bushes, waiting for the Windclan patrols to walk by. Firestar didn't feel great about attacking the patrol, but he knew this was the only choice. The Windclan warriors had slowly pushed their border markers further and further into Thunderclan territory. 

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