Chapter 10

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Hey! So I wasn't really planning on continuing this. But I'm now thinking I might give this book a try once more. Hope you enjoy! Please let me know if there are any mistakes.

Chapter 10: Rough Patches

     Sandstorm disappeared into the nursery and sighed. She and Fireheart had fought over his choice to go into battle with the badger. Sandstorm knew what she had said was wrong, it was cruel. But she was just so terrified of losing him before their kits were born, she was terrified of losing him in general. She understood the life of a warrior meant sacrifice, but she hoped Fireheart would be a little more careful considering he's going to be a father. 

          Bluestream was laying in the corner of the den with Copperbee. She's a warrior again but she came to visit Sandstorm and Bluestream occasionally. The red warrior was sleeping now, curled up in the soft nest. 

          "Are you two parting ways," Bluestream asked. Sandstorm stared at her mother. She couldn't imagine a small spat would break them up. 

          "Why would you think that?" Sandstorm muttered. She was offended at the notion that she and Fireheart couldn't work things out for themselves. Then again, Sandstorm had been rather harsh to him. 

          "It sounded rather heated. I thought you might break it off is all," Bluestream admitted. Sandstrom laid down beside her mother. She contemplated the argument and everything she said. 

          "I just-" Sandstorm sighed, "I don't what I'd do without him. I got angry because he was being reckless and I don't want my kits to be raised without their father." Bluestream pressed her nose to Sandstorm's flank. She meowed, 

          "I understand." A purr left the pale ginger she-cat. "But you need to apologize," Bluestream added. Sandstorm knew this, she knew she was wrong and Fireheart had done nothing to warrant him apologizing. It was on her this time. Sandstorm hauled herself up once more and staggered over to the warrior's den. She poked her head inside, Fireheart and Sunmask were curled together in Fireheart's nest. The two brothers were close, closer than most for sure. Sandstorm admired their love for one another, she had a feeling it stemmed from Fireheart's lack of family the first time around. 

          Sunmask lifted his head as Sandstorm approached. As soon as he saw her his expression turned sour. 

          "What do you want?" he growled. Sandstorm had never seen this side of him, the protective side. She supposed she deserved it. 

          "Can I please talk to him," she meowed. Sunmask snorted, 

          "So you can humiliate him again. No, of course not." His golden fur bristled with anger. Sandstorm watched as Fireheart lifted his muzzle to nudge his brother, calming him down. The tom looked to her, his green eyes held no warmth that they usually did. 

          "I don't want to talk right now," he declared. 


          "Come back later," he said. He rested his head back down, curling with his brother once more and the conversation was over. Sandstorm got the hint, she left. She couldn't help but feel hurt, stung, at Fireheart's words. His expression had been cold and his worlds held no love. 

          Sandstorm knew as long as Sunmask was with him she would not be heard. So, Sandstorm waited. She waited until Sunmask left the den and she sprinted inside. Tinybreeze was with him this time, the blind medicine cat grooming this ginger fur. 

          "Fireheart," she meowed, "please listen to me." Fireheart did not move. She could tell he was awake by his breathing pattern and the slight twitch of his ears when she said his name. Tinybreeze, a little more understanding than her brother, gave Fireheart one last lick before heading out. She met Sandstorm's eyes dead-on as she passed her, which shouldn't be as intimidating as it was.  

          "I'm sorry," she started, "I really, really am. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. But, when you entered with Jumpclaw's body I could only think of how that could have been you. You could have died, and I would be alone. I don't want to be alone."

          Fireheart finally lifted his head, his green eyes were warm again. He stands and limps over to Sandstorm, 

          "I was never mad," he admitted, "Just hurt. I don't want to lose you either." The two nuzzled one another and Fireheart pressed his nose to her flank, drinking in her lovely scent. She purred and buried her nose in his fur. 


         Fireheart stood beneath the high rock, watching Beechstar beckon Coppebee's kits forward. The walked proudly, except for one, Yellowkit. Fireheart took great amusement in seeing the grumpy medicine cat as a kit. She was still snappy, but she understood she couldn't boss everyone around as she used too. It didn't stop her from giving Fireheart these looks as he walked by the nursery sometimes. Fireheart revelled in it. 

          "Yellowkit," Beechstar started, "You have wished to take a different path as a medicine cat. You will receive a different ceremony later." Beechstar moved on to the second kit. 

          "Lilykit, from this day forward until you receive your warrior name you shall be known as, Lilypaw." Beechstar flicked her tail and Sootraven appeared from the crowd. "Sootraven, you have received excellent training from Ryenose and I expect you to pass on these skills to Lilypaw."

          Sootraven stepped forward, a rare smile on his face, and touched noses with Lilypaw. After Sootraven had returned to his place in the crowd the ceremony continued. 

          "Thistlekit, from this day forward until you receive your warrior name you shall be known as, Thistlepaw," Beechstar declared, "Fireheart, you have received excellent training from Jumpclaw and I expect you to pass on these skills to Thistlepaw." Fireheart touched noses with the apprentice. He was glad to have an apprentice, but he also silently wished he didn't get the reborn. The evil reborn, to make matters worse. 

          The clan called out the apprentice's new names, the two basked in the praise. Beechstar allowed this to continue before lifting her tail for silence. The cheers died. 

          "There is one last matter to attend too." Beechstar looked sullen, "We have lost our faithful deputy." Fireheart saw Copperbee in the crowd, her head hung as she mourned her mate.

          "I must appoint a new deputy," Beechstar meowed, "I have thought long and hard on who I would choose. I'll be honest, I was torn. But Starclan has spoken to me and shown me who the next deputy shall be." Whispers broke out among the assembled cats, it was rare for Straclan to have an input on the ways of clan life. Fireheart had a suspicious feeling that Bluestar had something to do with this. 

          "I say these words before the body of Jumpclaw so that his spirit may hear and approve my choice," she paused and looked around at her warriors. Suspense filled the air, every cat was listening intently, ready to know who'd be the one replacing Jumpclaw. Not that he could be replaced, Jumpclaw was a wonderful and skilled deputy. He would have made a talented leader. 

         "Fireheart will be the new deputy of Thunderclan."

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