Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: First Blood

          Fireheart sat in the medicine den with Sandstorm and Leafdrop sitting beside him. Outside, he could hear the sounds of cats in battle. The scent of blood in the air was mixed with Shadowclan stench. 

        "Shadowclan's attacking?" he asked. Although it was less of a question and more a shocked observation. He itched to join the battle, help his clan. He turned to Leafdrop, a silent question in his eyes. The medicine cat nodded and Fireheart wasted no time in leaping to his feet to join the battle. 

        He recognized a tabby cat in the crowd almost immediately. Tigerpaw turned to him and sneered. Fireheart readied himself t attack. 

       "Tigerpaw," Fireheart growled. 

        "Tigerclaw actually," the villain corrected. 

        "As if I care," Fireheart spat. Tigerclaw narrowed his eyes an pounced not Fireheart. Claws buried in his shoulders. Just as Tigerclaw's hind legs dug into his belly a yowl pierced the air

        "Shadowclan retreat!"

       Tigerclaw stopped, reluctantly, but did not remove himself from Fireheart. He hissed at the other warrior, 

        "Keep your eyes open Fireheart, I believe that's what I said to you back then, Keep your ears pricked." Tigerclaw chuckled and released Fireherat, but not before landing one last blow at his sensitive stomach. Blood was pooling around him, but he managed to stand anyway. He limped away from the pool of blood, he didn't want anyone to realize how badly injured he was. 

        He limped to the medicine den, he knew he needed treatment. There was a ringing in his ear, and his stomach was on fire. Sandstorm was in the den when he entered, as was sunmask. Sandstorm appeared fine, in fact, Fireheart didn't even think she fought. Which was extremely odd for her. 

        "How'd you get hurt?" Sunmask asked Fireheart.

        "Pinned by Tigerclaw," he muttered. Sandstorm glanced at him, concerned. He brushed it off and lay next to Sunmask, careful not hide his wound.

        "Pinned by Mapleclaw," Sunmask responded, "and dang is she nasty." He grimanced at the jagged slice align Sunmask's side as well as some of the claw marks on his stomach. He was bleeding significantly, enough to be possibly fatal. Fireheart had to make sure he was treated first. 

         Tinybreeze padded over to the toms, 

        "Alright, which one of you needs more immediate attention," she asked. She tried to seem lighthearted with a smile on her face. But it wasn't heard to see how worried she was about them. 

        "Sunmask's belly is sliced, only my shoulder is injured." Tinybreeze sniffed around Sunmask, smelling his wounds. She started tending to him straight away, pressing cobwebs into the gashes to stop the bleeding. 

        Fireheart's head started to hurt, the pain of his wounds getting to him. He just needed Sunmask to be treated first, then he'd could get help. He'd be fine. He'd be fine. And once again, Fireheart felt himself losing consciousness. He fought the feeling, grounding himself with whatever he could. Sandstorm's scent, Sunmasks small whimpers as Tinybreeze jabbed at him. He was strong, but very dramatic when injured. 

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