Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: A Leader's intuition

          Time had passed since Fireheart's accident and the clan had become stressed. The fights with Windclan had increased and the harsh winter was really taking its toll. Cats were hungry and cold most of the time. Fireheart was up and ordering people around again, but still unable to help. 

          Beechstar felt lost, almost every day she was in the medicine den, speaking with her deputy. The other clans had begun to question them about their deputy, as the news had somehow spread. Beechstar knew none of them cared all that much about Fireheart, they simply had sympathy for the knew an injured cat could bring a lot of pain to the clan. 


          Golden light danced in his vision, he saw Tigerclaw at the gathering sitting up in the tree and proudly stating his new name, Tigerstar. Lightning struck the large tree and fire danced around the clearing as the screams of cats surrounded him. One by one cats fell down, bodies engulfed in the fire. Shadowclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Thunderclan. 

          The tom-cat let out a shaky breath as his eyes snapped open. The sudden light felt harsh and unforgiving. He could hear the sounds of cats talking with one another, and even from inside the warm den he could feel the cold biting at his fur. His limbs felt stiff as if he hadn't moved for moons. He lifted his aching head to look around, he was in the medicine den. He wasn't sure why this was news to him, he'd been staying here for a while now. But after his dream, yesterday felt like forever ago. 

          "Fireheart! You're awake!" Leafdrop exclaimed, her eyes danced with relief. Fireheart assumed he had been moving in his sleep again, or possibly yowling. 

          "That seemed like quite the dream, everything alright?" she asked while quickly checking him over and looking at his almost healed wound. Fireheart stretched his legs a few times more.

          "I'm fine, thank you," Fireheart insisted, "Just a strange dream." Leafdrop nodded din understanding, being a medicine meant she got many odd dreams from Starclan, many terrifying dreams as well. 

          "And how is that wound feeling?"

          "Not bad, just sore," he answered. 

          "Then, I have good news." Fireheart perked up. "You can get back to patrols. But be careful not to overexert yourself, got it!" Fireheart nodded and thanked Leafdrop, eager to leave camp. He scarfed down a squirrel that someone had brought for him last night and poked his head outside the medicine den. The cold hit in like a kick to the face. 

          Hawkrunner and Mapleclaw were standing with a few other cats across the clearing, Pineclaw was facing towards Fireheart and noticed him first. 

          "Morning, Fireheart." 

          "Guess whose back on patrols now," Fireheart purred in response. The tom smiled widely, as did the warrior around him. 

          "That's wonderful," Hawkrunner purred. Even Mapleclaw seemed excited by his news. They talked only briefly before Fireheart dismissed himself and ran through the crunchy snow towards the nursery. 

          He entered the small, cozy den with confidence, spotting sandstorm and his kits right away. "Daddy!" Amberkit squealed, running towards Fireheart. The ginger tom felt his heart flutter at the sight of his enthusiastic daughter, he nuzzled he small ginger kit with a laugh. 

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