Chapter 5

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I'm editing this entire book (cause it's really bad) and I spent an hour and a half on this one and then wattpad didn't fucking save it. I almost cried. So sorry if this isn't all that great, I gave up the second time around.

Chapter 5: A Warrior's Name

         The five Apprentices stood beneath the great rock. Beechstar stood on the rock looking regal and proud. She gazed down at the mentors and apprentices, asking each in turn in their apprentices were ready to be freed from their guidance. 

         "Ryenose," she meowed, a small purr in her voice as she adressed her mate, "is Sootpaw ready to be a warrior?" 

          "More than ready!" he spoke proudly. Beechstar adressed Pineclaw next

          "Is Sunpaw ready to be a warrior?" 

          "He will make a great warrior," he agreed. Beechstar turned her gaze next to Copperbee, who, while she had only trained Rainpaw for the firstportion of her training until she stopped to care for her expecting kits, was still considered her mentor.

          "What about Rainpaw?" Copperbee nodded, 


          "And Sandpaw?" Beechstar asked, turning to RedHawk. 

         "She will make us proud," he stated confidently. Beechstar smiled at his words.

          "Lastly, what about Firepaw?" Beechstar turned her gaze to look down at Jumpclaw. Jumpclaw smiled and nodded, 

         "He was born ready," he stated, knowing exactly how true that was. 

          "I Beechstar call apon my warrior ancestors took look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn." Beechstar looked to Sootpaw, "From this day forward you'll be known as Sootraven for your loyalty and fighting skills." Next she addressed Sunpaw, "From this day forward you will be known as Sunmask for your kindness and willing to learn." Beechstar smiled at Rainpaw, the she-cat was shifting excitedly."From this moment forward you will be known as Rainsky for your loyalty and quickthinking." Rainsky smiled widely as Beechstar gave her her warrior name. Sandstorm was next. "From this moment you will be known as Sandstorm for your fast reflexes and hunting skill." And finally, after what felt like forever, Beechstar looked at young Firepaw. "From this day forward you shall be known as Fireheart for your caring and brave heart," she meowed proudly. Fireheart stood proud as the clan called out the names of the new warriors. He was a warrior, he was Thunderclan. 

         Cats padded up in by one to congratulate them on recieving their warrior names. Redhawk and Mistdrop made their way over to Sunmask and Fireheart. 

         "I'm so proud of you two," Redhawk beamed.

         "As am I," Mistdrop purred, nuzzling the two toms. Tinypaw ran over to the toms as well, completely the little family gathering. 

         "Congratulations," she purred, giving them both a lick on the cheek, "You're finally warriors!" Fireheart smiled at Tinypaw, feeling proud of his achievement. Also, proud of his two siblings. Tonight, Tinypaw would be receiving her medicine cat name as well. They were all going up in the ranks of the clan. 

         Fireheart gazed around as more cats walked over to congratulate the newly made warriors. He truly loved his clan. 


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