Chapter 11

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Sorry if there are any mistakes. Please let me now as I didn't have any time to read it over before posting.

Chapter 11: Of Beginnings and Firsts

          Fireheart sat beneath the rock, his eyes wide and unbelieving. Cats cheered his name and Beechstar knew that she had made the right choice. Fireheart was likeable, he'd gained a lot of fo popularity among the clan. Even Mapleclaw was fond of him, an impressive feat.

          Although he wasn't the most experienced, he had youth, strength, sympathy and had proved time and time again that he deserved this role. One thing about Fireheart that always puzzled her was his wisdom. He was a cat who acted well beyond his years and somehow, even being so young, Beechstar had heard him speak such wisdom. She had heard him order people with such power. She could tell he was destined to be great. Even if he was incredibly stubborn. 

          Despite his flaws, Beechstar had no doubt in her mind that he was perfect for the job. And if it weren't for the strange blue-gray cat she had seen in her dream, she may have never have realized that.


          Sandstorm smiled up at him, her eyes filled with love. 

          "Fireheart! You're deputy, this is great!" she purred. Fireheart nuzzled Sandstorm with a large, dopey smile stuck on his face. Fireheart has been smiling so much he was sure his face would get stuck like that. 

          "I know, it's amazing. And I have a wonderful mate who's expecting kits. Could things get any better?" he sighed happily. Sandstorm gave Fireheart a few soft licks behind his ear. 

          "Jumpclaw would be so proud." At the mention of his name, Fireheart felt grief weigh him down again. 

          "Yeah," he replied sadly. Sandstorm gazed at the tom sympathetically. She knew how his mind worked, she knew he always blamed himself for the death of a warrior. 

          "Fireheart, he died bravely. There's nothing you could have done," she gave him another comforting lick. "Now, if the deputy isn't too busy, how about that walk?" she purred happily. Fireheart felt his spirits lift, he wanted nothing more than to enjoy a nice walk with his mate and celebrate his promotion. 


          They left right after Fireheart had taken care of his deputy duties. Out in the forest, Sandstorm took a deep breath of fresh air. 

          "It's great to be out of camp!" she meowed as they walked together. They continued through the forest, the chilly leaf-bare wind blowing through the trees. It made Fireheart concerned that their kits were being born in leaf-bare. He put the thought aside and continued to walk with Sandstorm, relaxed nd in love. Until Sandstorm let out a small yowl of pain. Fireheart looked at his mate with worry. 

          "Are you okay? Should we go back?" Sandstorm nodded then collapsed on the ground, face contorted with pain. 

         "Sandstorm!" Fireheart called, his voice shaky and his heart pounding. Sandstorm panted.

          "The kits the kits are coming!" she exclaimed. Firehearts eye widened in realization, he licked her head. 

          "I'll be right back," he meowed before and racing toward camp in search of the medicine cats. 

          "Leadfrop! Tinybreeze!" He called, bursting through the tunnel. Leafdrop and Tinybreeze appeared from the medicine den. 

          "What's wrong?" Leafdrop asked. She could sense his urgency. Fireheart took a moment to catch his breath. 

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