Things couldnt get any worse

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Kay Pov:

I been in this warehouse with billy for 2 hours now. he's really creeping me out. he comes over to were I'm tied up and kisses me.i try to fight it but he pins me down. when i don't kiss back he gets mad and slaps me then I'm forced to kiss back. since I've been away from him for 2 weeks i not used to him putting he's hands on me. before when we were together i would show no emotions because i was on and off my pills or i would be to drunk to remember. But now i was fully awake and i felt every pain that came with a slap, a punch or a kick.

Princeton Pov:

i couldn't help but think what that ass was doing to my girl. ( well i haven't yet asked her to be my girlfriend, but after this i would) i keep beating my self up about leaving her. she probably really hates me and probably would never talk to me again but i am going to do whatever it takes to make her forgive me. i love her to much to lose her just like that. Oh my god i'm so stupid why didn't i realize this sooner, I'm in love with Kay. she so amazing and i cant take her off my mind.

Kaitlyn and Me were outside the warehouse also with roc and the police hiding so billy wont see them.


Billy comes out and opens the door and let Kaitlyn and prince in. The scene was horrifying. We say Kay tied up. She was bleeding and it looked like she was in and out of consciousness. Kaitlyn was running towards her but billy stopped her and pushed her. this guy is really messed up. i go and help her up.

Billy: no first the money then you get Kay

Prince: ok just relax

Billy: don't tell me to relax

Prince throw the money towards billy. He didn't actually check to see if all the money was ( what a dumb ass, he fell for our plan). he then untied kay and was about to give Kay to prince but then the police burst in (they were to wait 45minutes then come in). I ran to get Kay and once i got her i started to run towards the police. Then i heard gun shots and fell to the floor. Kay was now awake.

Kay Pov:

I woke up from the sound of gun shots. i noticed i was on the floor and there was a boy next to me bleeding really bad. it brought memories about my brother and the accident. I looked closer and saw it was Princeton. i can't lose another person i love. i started crying. i saw the police arrested billy. i rolled over to Princeton because i was badly injured from the beatings. I hold his hands in mines.

Kay: it going to be ok (sniff) your going to be fine. i promise.


i was speechless

Kay: ...too

Then the ambulance came and took me and Princeton.

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