Vampire! EXO - Chanyeol

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imagine: You and Chanyeol are childhood friends. You guys knew everything about each other.. except that both of you hid a big secret. Chanyeol was secretly vampire that had a huge crush on you and you were a human who secretly had a huge crush in him back. Neither of you were unaware of these facts.

Both of you are now in high school but you don't talk as much anymore and barely make contact even though you guys are in the same high school. Chanyeol became a cold person whereas you stayed the same. Chanyeol's "friends" who were actually using Chanyeol for his intelligence, dared him to pretend being your lover.

But this day.. became a fateful day....

You were walking to class, minding your own business when suddenly you felt a pair of eyes, staring at you daringly, almost as if they were trying to pierce through your body. You took a quick, unnoticable glance and saw that it was Park Chanyeol, your childhood friend whom you have had a huge crush on forever. You never told Chanyeol your feelings and he never found out. It was your big secret from him. You walked a few paces faster to avoid his stare but it turned out that.. he had the same classes as you which made you face palm yourself.

Whenever you weren't around anyone or were free, Chanyeol would send you a secret message, attempting to flirt with you, trying to forget that the dare wasn't something he could pretend.

"Why is Channie doing something like that... he usually never does that... ever.." You thought to yourself, being confused over Chanyeol's secret messages while using your childhood nickname for him.

"Why isn't ________ responding back to my secret messages?!" Chanyeol thought almost being frustrated with himself, "Am I being too confusing?" he was worried and was thinking about walking you home.

You knew Chanyeol was one of the most popular guys in the school so him sending those messages kinda made you upset.

-End of the Day-

"_________!! WAIT!!" Chanyeol said running after you, right before you left school grounds.

"...Hi Chanyeol.. " you said looking at the ground, to avoid letting Chanyeol see you blushing.

"Can I walk home with you??" he asked trying to make a cute face which made you blush harder.

"mwo? u-uh.. sure" you replied.

"I've got to tell her my feelings while walking home!!" Chanyeol thought nervously.

"Why is he suddenly asking me to walking home when he barely talks to me except for today?!" you thought anxiously.

- After walking home 1/4 of the way - guys were walking side by side by each other.

"why are none of us talking....?! " both of you thought at the same time.

You guys somehow ended under one umbrella since it started raining hard. A car was going really fast, and Chanyeol could hear the car coming so right before it splashed a wave of water to you, Chanyeol turned you away from the water, embracing you, which made you blush more than ever. Both of your heart thumped loud and fast. You were both blushing.

"Mianhae..._______" Chanyeol said while using his childhood name for you.

"You ... remembered my nickname..?" you asked suddenly looking into Chanyeol's beautiful eyes.

"Of course ________" he responded, his heart fluttering with happiness.

"Channie....I..have kept a big secret from you for a long time"

"mwo?? what is it??" he asked curiously.

"... i.. I like you " you said trying to look him in the eye.

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